Congratulations to President Elect....
...Barack Obama
With that being said, no matter your party affiliation, as Americans we remain united, and stand together in supporting our next Commander in Chief. How fortunate we are to live in the greatest nation in God's universe.
I also honor John McCain as a great American, who has devoted over a half century serving his Country well .
Now excuse me while I get back to my regular program line-up. I can start focusing on Survivor, which I have dismally neglected.
And the Amazing Race....I don't even know where the heck they are racing to...gotta get caught up since I've declared this my favorite reality show after Big Brother.
But most of all, I mean really and truly.....the one show I tried to stay on top of, and sometimes fell short. That's right, you guest it!!

OH!!!! That is just wrong!!! LOL
Nice post Grandma J. sniff. sniff. Back to real life, I mean reality tv. :)
Good stuff! I so hope Susan Lucci goes home!
I love your ice-breaking humor. Now don't forget to watch DWTS tonight! I'm with Katrine, Susan Lucci should be next.
Brilliant photo!
I may just leave the tv turned off tonight. Of course, there would be mutiny in my home, and I'm just too tired to fight them off!!!
Enjoy your pampering session. I'll admit that I'm more than a little jealous!
I'm so glad the election is over. The nonstop campaigning for two years was too much.
That picture is cool.
OK, I know I had a comment on here but it has disappeared.
Either the comment disappeared or my brain has, in any case I'll try again:
The only thing that could possibly make this picture any funnier would be if Phil the Bear were in the mix. What is Phil up to these days anyway?
This was the perfect post. You are always a blessing!
I really like Sugar..I'm SO glad she sent Ace packing...
Amazing Race..Hmmmm I think I'm w/ Dallas and his mom.
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