I was tagged by mom x 2 over at It's a Crazy World Out There for this meme....mimi, moomoo. Thank you, mom x 2, I like it because it only required me to rub two of my three brain cells together and presto!
Oh, yeah, and I actually have to do a bit of research. Well...research for me is really just search, which is still research without the re.
Here are the rules:
1. Choose the 4th folder where you store your pictures on your computer.
2. Select the 4th picture in the folder.
3. Explain the picture.
4. Tag 4 people to do the same.
Here is my entry:

This is a picture taken in the summer of 2003. My two oldest granddaughters and I went to Catalina Island for the day. "T" on the left is my oldest granddaughter who lives in Cocoa Beach Florida, who had just turned 11 years old. "T" on the right is my granddaughter here in Texas, who was 9 years old.
It's a mere one hour ride from Newport Beach aboard the Catalina Flyer to Avalon Bay.
The Catalina Flyer is a three tier catamaran with a restaurant on the first level. One of the really special thing is we always see dolphins and whales on the return trip in the late afternoon. Always!
Now, that was easy!
I don't want to pick just four of you to do this meme because that will leave two of you out, and then come to find out five of you have already been snatched up by mom x 2.....which leaves one lone person left who reads Grandma J's blog, and that one person is a lurker!
So, if I left you out of that mathematical calculation, please feel free to do this meme. It's easy, fun, and educational.
Hey I'm still here. Just my computer crashed so I haven't been able to post. And i'd love to do this to but I lost all my pictures when my computer Crashed.
But I did enjoy seeing your pictures.
you make me laugh so much....I love the picture...you really are a fab Grandma!!!
One from TX, One from FL? and you got them both in CA?
You are logistically a genius!
I love it!! Awesome picture! Your grandkids are adorable:)
ps. It looks really warm there
I love it! Sounds like a great day!
Isn't Catalina great?! I took a ferry there once for New Year's Eve 1978! We sat on the bench that Box Scaggs album cover photo for Silk Degrees was taken on.
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