On the afternoon of Feb. 1, 2009, Jack, the founder of Jack In The Box, was hit by a bus and seriously injured. For updates on Jack's condition, please visit Hang In There Jack
That's right, a coupon for two free tacos on Tuesday, February 24, 2009....Print it out, cut and paste....(click to enlarge) or go to the Jack In The Box press room website and get it there.
*This has been a public service announcement brought to you by Grandma J, because she loves you....and Jack, equally!
LOVE their tacos! Thanks.
And....I think you should have done G = Grandkids....they are all way cuter than a goat.
Their tacos are really good. And now they have a nachos version. Yum!
Dear Jesus Can you someday PLEASE, pretty PLEASE make me just half as funny as Grandma J. Amen
that will be my prayer tonight. So hilarious : ). Can you belive I have never seen a Jack in the Box? We are Jack in the Box free in Pa. Crazy, right?
Rebeckah, Go to Jack's website and let them know you feel deprived and your son is acting out or something....then print out the coupon and take it to Taco Bell.
You are very sweet to say such nice things...they are nice, right? Funny girl!!
I'm a big eater so I printed out three coupons. I have three JB close to my work.
Thank you for lunch.....Jack's in my prayers.
AAAHHH! I was waiting for your pictures to load, reading the text, and as soon as I saw Jack in the Box I said, "I love their tacos."
Of course we don't have JIB's out here - but I used to go to Bandera, TX, quite a bit and just outside of San Antonio we'd always stop at the Jack in the Box for tacos.
Can you ship them out east? I will pay.
Just goes to show you.
You can exercise and eat right.
But it doesn't mean anything if you don't look before you cross the street
I thought it was real...until the Dr. started talking. :)
No Jack in the Box here...just some old nasty Micky D's and The king of burgers. (yuck)
what great marketing.
Too Funny GJ! But you sure you werent driving that bus? And this is your way of asking for forgiveness?
I don't have a Jack In The Box, but if I did would I be laughed at if I tried to use this coupon?
Jen, Seriously, that coupon is good for two tacos at any Jack In The Box. Those states that have JITB know that Jack has quite an unusual and funny advertising/marketing department. You can click on the link to the corporate home page and get the coupon there too.
Now, if you take it to Taco Bell, they may laugh...but they'd be wise to honor it because that would be a good marketing tool also...and something to blog about.
We don't have a Jack in the Box anymore...so sad really, but I appreciate you posting about this tragic event.
Are you sure you didn't do it?
GJ~I think I'll give up lying for Lent=)
No JITB here in VA. But, DARN, Grandma J, now I really want a taco!!!
Taco Bell? GROSS!!! Guess I'll just have to make my own;)
You guys are way too hip, I had to stop and think what is a JITB???? We don't have one here anymore (not since like 1988). Oddly enough, my son brought home a dozen Taco Bell taco's last night and I hadn't indulged in those for about 4 years--------they were fab. :)
Hey, for the record I tried voting twice in the Pet quiz and tonight blogger is giving me fits, but I died laughing at the ANTS category. I'll try again tomorrow - sometimes blogger likes to be nasty with me. I ignore it and come back and all is well, like most other aspects of my life.
WoW! BIG Foot got a stack of pancakes free at IHOP today with a donation for breast cancer....now he's off to Jack's to get his free tacos! Thanks Grandma J!
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