And just in case anyone out there is a chemist or super duper caloric/sugar analyst...tell me something. Because really no matter how I do the math, I can't figure out how this equates......
I'm working on remedying the situation...I went to WalMart, bought some lettuce, celery, and tomatoes for tonight's salad.
Can I get an Amen?
But I am glad you got your butterscotch squares cuz you can't get 'em where you live...I have to run tomorrow because I am 4 pounds heavier than before I went to work on my mom's house...I don't understand....perhaps it was the KFC...I think they put crack in it!
Luckily you can't get those anywhere near you. I have a weakness that is more fattening, it's called beer.
Regarding that three pounds of candy and how it turns into more pounds of weight, it's the same concept as dirty laundry. One piece of dirty laundry left in the hamper quickly mutates into four hundred pounds of dirty laundry. It's all a mystery to me.
I don't like it, and I don't understand it.
(I just noticed the Blog Fest sign on your side bar - yay!)
Oh, vacation is a killer isn't it? What are you going to do? starve? neglect the grandkids? nah, you can't do that.
Love the flower idea. But do they taste good?
good luck, suz
Now as long as you don't dip those flowers in chocolate.......
You should be good
Oh and good luck!!!!
I mean you were on vacation right? Don't you get to eat what you want when you want on vacation? No? uh- oh :)
You were on vacation! I think 3.6 is nothing. But that's how I roll. Justification station.
Look at it this way, you're still down on weight.
I am worried about my vaca, those all you can eat crab legs are calling me already!!
Just had one of those lava cakes the other night! OMG little Big F and myself had a grand old time.
Amen : ). I am so proud of you. I LOVE your flowers. But most of all, I love your beautiful spirit. You are such a blessing. I am so thankful to have met you in this beautiful blogging world. So, so thankful!
is that for the golden bear reunion?
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