Then And Now

Happy double digit Birthday, Ty! I hope you have a great day!
I love you, Grandma DeLuxe
Can anyone figure out why Grandma J will never be rich with worldly goods, but more than rich with God's blessing?The equation translates into more than three birthdays a month...and more.
Can anyone figure out why Grandma J will never be rich with worldly goods, but more than rich with God's blessing?
Happy birthday Tyler!!! What a cutie pie...seems like birthday season for Grandma J!!
I suppose you did not get a retirement fund.... as much as you needed to have a birthday fund!!!
Tyler is such a cutie. He's going to be a heart breaker! I love the dimples!
What a beautiful boy! Happy birthday Tyler!
He's gonna have to beat those girls off with a stick!!
Happy Birthday Ty!!
A decade of motherhood! I brought treats for his class and he was soooo excited- I was never able to bring treats because of my summer bday, so I make sure the boys get them- I know I'm a rock star of a mom :)
I look like I have buck teeth in the first photo- geez!
Love you,
Kelly aka Ty's mom
Aren't God's Blessings Wonderful? You sure do have beautiful grandchildren.
I forgot to let you know I have passed on an award to YOU.
I are crying now aren't you? is deserve it. :)
Oh my gosh! He is too cute for words. Those dimples. That hair. WOWSER : )
Who needs worldly goods when you have blessings like Beauty and Tyler? Right? : )
Happy Birthday Ty!!!
On a side note..........your "I Win" thingy keeps scaring the bejesus out of me.
Happy, happy birthday Tyler! Your dimples will bring you so much attention from girls-- all you'll need to do is sit back and smile and they'll come flocking. Not that you're thinking about girls now, though. I know, they're gross.
Grandma Deluxe, as usual, you have me laughing at the lines you crossed out at the end. Too funny you are.
FYI Everyone...thank you for all the birthday wishes for Ty.
Keeper and others...I love scaring the crapkins out of you with the "I Win"'s my way of keeping ya'll on your toes. AND if you go to the East Coast Blog Fest in Virginia? I'll try to make that your wake-up call. With permission from the hostesses of course.
Happy Birthday TY....Your Grandma Deluxe has GREAT genes!!!
What a love! Those eyes...OMG! Enjoy the time with him!
Another set of BIRTHDAY wishes heading your way! And another handsome grandchild you have there!!
Teach me how to cross out lines like that...I don't know how to do that...or to get the line above my comments like you have that says, "__ this is what I have to say about that."
You are truly blessed!!!
Happy Birthday, Ty! You are one handsome young man:)
Wow----now is this a birthday travel tour?? haha. My son is a Valentine Baby who will be 18 this month. :)
Happy Birthday Ty! Today I am in Pennsylvania and I watched them make the chocolate for M&Ms, then I watched them mold and wrap Dove Promises, then I made a bunch of chocolate by myself!! I wish it all to you and more on your birthday!! HUGS!! Aunt Kim
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