The Letter X
This is probably the hardest letter for me yet! I thought it would be just pick a word like X-Ray and be done with it. Nope, not on your life.
Did you know there are tons of words that start with Xanth....and they all have something to do with yellow? Like yellow fruit, or yellow skin, or hair, or teeth, or leaves...and the list goes on.
I know, I'm boring you. Of course coming up with a letter X word isn't all that exciting for me bear with me.
You wouldn't believe the plethora of things that begin with Xeno...several have to do with wood, or measuring wood, wood carving, eating wood, one who grows or sells wood, or just plain being fond of wood. Seriously, there should be a whole course study of the letter X.
Now, if your X word starts with has to do with dry something or other. I won't go into all the dry stuff. Trust me, or look it up.
Here's another doozy for you....
For instance, did you know that there were three Popes named Xystus? Pictured is numero uno, circa 117-128. I wonder what kind of camera they used for that picture? My first camera was a Kodak Brownie, and it used 127 film. Did anyone else have one of those?

So bear with me while I call, "KINGS X"
"King's X" is one of a class of children's phrases called "truce terms," one of those sayings that call a temporary halt to a game or contest when spoken. Say for example, you and Grandma J were playing tag, and a bee flew up Grandma J's nose. She might shout, "King's X" right before she fainted. And then you would feel sorry for her and let her win.
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You are a smart lady!
I didn't know any of those except for the xeno as in xenophobia, which according to what I"m reading here is a fear of eating wood? Or maybe it's a fear of a bee flying up one's nose.
Xanax is a good x word and might help with that xenophobia and bee situation too.
You did a lot better than I ever could have with the letter X...Happy Monday, ~Natalie
ahh grandma j you don't have to cheat to win!!... he he... you did your research on this one. good job... and speaking of games i wish you would of listed MORE x-words. i need some help with that letter in scrabble!!!
Well color me educated on all things X this morning. Well done.
A great X post and a lot of fun to read!
Boy, you did your homework! Thanks for all the info.
Xystus, huh? Don't hear that name much any more.
You are so clever. I have never heard of Kings X, but I will use this.
ME? I went with the EASY X ray.
Happy Monday Grandma J!
That Kings X thing will come in handy!
most excellent post!
Hi honey, I'm just dropping in to say hello and to see if all is well.
this has absolutely NOTHING to do with the letter x, but i have to ask... did you by any chance go to the George Strait concert at the new cowboy's stadium?
I love King's X!!! I will have to use it soon, like when I'm being tickled within an inch of my life. I've never heard of it before.
Great X! :-)
CBW, Is PJB acting out? I mean, that could make anyone break out the xanax.
Pat, I'm not sharing any more x words. But I'd love to play a game of Scrabble!
Suz....and others, please don't tell my you never said "Kings X" instead of "time out"? Where do you think the hand signal for time out came from? You know, the crossed hands?
Biddy, I must say, I missed the George Strait concert. I've only been to Dallas to change planes on my way to other places.
Besides, I still have my head in the clouds over DD2 calling me HONEY! You guys did see that, right?
wow- what a story about x words! i've never heard about that kings x either. hmmm...
but maybe you should have saved an x word or two? jen's going to start us backwards!!
What about xylophone? These are some good X words!
I need to ask Busy Bee Suz if you are allowed to shout "King's X" when someone is about to SHANK you. OR, does it only count in games? What do YOU think Grandma J?
Dawn and Linda, I have plenty more X words for the backward trek. :)
BHE, I think you can shout "Kings X" when ever it's convenient. I think I said "Kings X" when the cop stopped me for speeding, right before I cried. Maybe he thought I cast an evil spell on him.
You are so funny. I always chuckle when I visit you. That's a good thing. I never heard of "Kings X" either. See how much we all learn from you?
Great story. You are a riot Grama!! Happy Monday.
My favorite "x" word: Xerxes, the king of ancient Persia. Two "x"es in one word!
So knowledgable! Always happy to learn from you Grandma J!
Quite educational! By the way, there's a rock band out there called King's X. They are not too bad - sorta Beatlesque at times in a rock sorta way.
ah ok...well, the reason i asked is because your twin was sitting in front of me (with her biracial grandchild) and i just couldn't work up the nerve to ask "um are you grandma j?"
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