Well, obviously it didn't happen to anyone but Grandma J because no one else posted their A to Z Monday post on Saturday!
So, when Jen at Unglazed, whose also the Keeper of A to Z Mondays commented on Grandma J's
This is the post Grandma J really wanted to post before she lost two days of her life.
It's all about her newest Christmas tree ornament. You see, when Grandma J goes on vacation, she likes to find an ornament for her Christmas tree as a reminder of all the fun she had. Over the years they have added up, and bring back a variety of memories.....some that Grandma J
This glass ornament is hand painted on blown glass by a local artist in Mathews. Grandma J put it front and center on her tree so everyone could see it. Everyone would be her neighbor Donna and Huey, the maintenance man.
Of course Grandma J is proud of her natural talent for printing stuff on other stuff with a sharpie.
Now, about that tiny bit of confusion on what the heck day of the week it was. Grandma J has her theories...mostly about nutritional intake.
Maybe.....just maybe, Grandma J should try to pace chocolate intake and not polish off a pound of her favorite chocolates in three days.

Ohh Sees! were they your favorite buttercreams?
I love bourdeux myself :)
I miss A-Z....had to stop at "V" but can't stop thinking about what I would have done for each letter!
I am on the final stretch at my mom's...oh the photos I could share!
Happy Saturday, XXOO, lMnop
You are so funny. I was wondering...but then I thought, heck, she has chocolate in the house. :)
Love your crab ornament. And everything else silly about you.
Gosh...LMNOP said she sent me an email but I did not get it. Can you help a girl out Grandma J?
Yay! A Mathews ornament.
Also, I believe I read that A to Z post - and maybe even commented on it - but can't remember. I'll take a cue from you and blame the box of Whitmans sitting on my kitchen counter courtesy of Big Hair Envy.
Mmmmmm...chocolate... :D
Well, what did Huey think? I'll take a pecan caramel.
Oh, I love See's candies. It's a good thing they are not around the corner from me!!
I like See's too, but since we don't have one, I just resort to Riesen's which I can get at Walmart!
Well, don't I feel stupid! I never noticed it wasn't Monday. That's what happens when you're retired!
Oh Sees .. I am salivating ... and I think sometimes Blogger has a cyber fart and posts happen on the wrong day or not at all ..
Nooooo! I'm sure that's not what made you lose those days, G! I think that only happens when your chocolates are bourbon balls...
I wish I was as naturally talented as you.
I'm also sorry I haven't been around in a while. I've been out of town and a bit harried. I am trying to hammer out a post, but so much has happened that I feel like it needs to be put in "bullet form" to protect the innocent that get sucked into it. ;-)
Happy New Year GrandmaJ!
Your ornament is so pretty! I think it is ok to put things up early : ) I always do! I would like to extend our vacation a little! I don't know if I am ready to go back to the real world tomorrow.... : )
The memory is the first to go. The ornament is cool.
Ha! Ha! That was funny.
I love the ornament.
I think that premature posting is medically treatable. The chocolate consumption? Not. Love your ornament idea and think I will steal it - the idea, not the ornament.
OK now I want an ornament like that...and some chocolate.
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