Grandma J loves coffee. She usually buy Seattle's Best when she can find it, or else she buy Starbucks.
Several months ago she started to notice a big advertisment push for Dunkn' Donut's coffee. Friends bragged about it, and the commercials were cute and never ending.
Grandma J tried it....and really thought it
Fast forward to last week when Central Texas was snowed under, and Grandma J ran out of coffee. She really didn't want to take her life in her hands to go five miles to Starbuck's or seven miles to Wally World for coffee.
So, she swallowed her pride and went to the local 7-Eleven to pick up whatever they had and make it do for a day or two. You know....use plenty of flavored creamer to kill the taste.
This is what she found there. It'was $4.69. And it is now Grandma J's favorite coffee. Really!
Strangely, this can't be found on the internet or on 7-Eleven's website, but it's in their stores in three different blends.
And just because he's her favorite bestest friend.......
Grandma J bought JJ another new toy. What else is new?

I get my coffee from Gevalia. It is pretty good, but expensive. I only drink one over sized cup a day, so I guess it's not that expensive. I don't think we even have a 7-11 store in our town.
As for buying coffee across the country, we found that McDonalds is the best.
Nice! They have 7-11 brand wine too. Maybe you should try and review that next!
Oh and on a side note, Cooper calls 7-11, "Slurpie House." It's really cute, whenever he sees the "7 and 11" and starts yelling SLURPIE HOUSE SLURPIE HOUSE!!!
Someone told me that some Burger Kings use Seattle's Best. I always think Keith's breath smells like sausage after he drinks it. We'll try the 7-11 brand next :)
I wish I liked coffee. I love the smell and could certainly use the caffeine!!
I always buy the cheapest coffee. I never notice the difference. Usually around Thanksgiving and Christmas I will buy something nicer (flavored) and more expensive for my guests to have.
JJ is not spoiled. he is deserving. :)
I have become a big fan of Eight O'Clock coffee after trying a gazillion other brands and blends .. of course there's no 7-11 here so I will take your word ..
And thank you for those candy bars .. I ate one and put the other in the fridge cause they are easier to bite when they are hard ...
We buy the Eight O'Clock coffee too. I think Albuquerque only has a handful of 7-11's. McDonald's coffee is good. I like their ice coffee.
FYI on the candy bars. Slam them on a hard surface to break it up, or sit on them for a while to soften.
Thank you for the coffee tip, I will have to try it. And thank you for the Abba Zabba bars – I love them! I’m trying to think of a treat to send you from my region of the country but unfortunately in Minnesota we’re known for SPAM and Lutefisk :(
Glad you found something you like at such a good price! I'm tea drinker myself, not coffee.
Cute picture of JJ! :D
I squishy heart JJ. The end.
I'm a BIG fan of 7-11 coffee! We have a 7-11 within five miles of home, and there are two within a mile of the office! Better than Starbuck's anyday....and cheaper:)
I love trying new things(when you really don't want to) and finding out they are great!
I love 7-11's coffee to go from the store but have never tried their coffee you make at home, mostly because I use the 8 o'clock brand which I can get for $3.88 per bag at Wal-Mutant, plus it's good.
However, I'm going to ret-think this and perhaps give it a shot since we had a grand opening of a 7-11 within driving distance.
That JJ is the cutest thing.
OK! And $4.69 for 12 oz. isn't bad either!
You got coffee and JJ got a new toy... could things get any better?!
I loved Dunkin' Donuts coffee when I lived back East. There was one right on my way to work and it was great for those cold cold mornings.
2 lbs 4 oz Kroger brand=$5.99; $4 on sale.
It's loaded with my Fat Free Lactose Free Coffee Mate that's the way I cruise in the morning.
AND, that's exactly what I did with my abba zaba.
Taste is YUMMY while it melts in my mouth. :D
If you ever need me to get you some just let me know and I will snatch it up for you! I can't believe you don't like Dunkin Donuts. I love you any way.
Thanks for the candy, Grandma J.! I ripped open the package and ate half a one on the ride home from teh post office. Although my jaw is still sore from all the gnawing and chewing, it was OUTSTANDING! Thank you sooo much for your generosity. This should be the official candy of Blog Fest.
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