But who really owns it?
Now isn't that the question of the day. Or at least it was for Grandma J.
When A-Ron has a baseball game and it rains.....the game goes on! That's the way it is here in Texas. The umpire doesn't call the game unless there is lightning. The players make a point of sliding in the wet red clay. It's an Oxy Clean day!
Here's the real kicker....
Grandma J bought a really nice collapsable chair last year. She bought it specifically for occasions like ball games so she wouldn't have to sit on alluminum bleachers. More specifically, she bought one with a canopy to block the hot sun in the summer and the wind and rain when Mother Nature was on a rampage.
So, she shows up for A-Ron's game last night.....
Boy do I recognize that chair! Someone thought it was theirs because it was in the back of their Tahoe. Queenie doesn't No one budges!!
Do you have similar rules of possession in your family?

If it were my chair I'd wrestle her for it.
HA! Wait till she goes to buy some candy or popcorn and then steal it back from her! :D
I always win because I can whine and pout the best
Our rule is: Everything belongs to ME, unless I give you permission to have it. :)
That goes for their stuff too.
You should try that logic.
Back to say head over to Hilary's and check out her Posts of the Week here
Yes, we do, but the rules apply mostly to our bed - and NOT in a sexual way! Most of that bed belongs to me because I get there first and claim it. So sorry, Checkered, that you must sleep every night on the little edge.
Vol Fan claims that the boob closest to him is his;)
The nerve!
Our cat owns everything at our house. We just get to use things as she sees fit.
Time to buy another chair, GrandmaJ!
We pretty much share everything around here, too.
Oh no! I want to buy you a chair so you can sit out there beside her : )
Are you ready for a long baseball season? I was just thinking of his season this morning. I hope he rocks it : )
There are different rules for different situations. I think this one needs to go to Judge Judy, who I'm very confident would rule in Grandma J's favor.
I love that chair! Our rule of possession mostly applies to laundry, he who finds it owns it. Dollars, quarters, chapsticks, and whatnots. I LOVE laundry. But every once in awhile, I get smoked by someone getting a $5 out of my pocket and it stings.
I love that chair! Our rule of possession mostly applies to laundry, he who finds it owns it. Dollars, quarters, chapsticks, and whatnots. I LOVE laundry. But every once in awhile, I get smoked by someone getting a $5 out of my pocket and it stings.
Yeah but everybody gets up eventaully for some reason you know ..and then all bets are off!
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