the ingestable edition
Brought to you by the letter i
instant coffee....the latest company to enter the market is Starbucks...Grandma J tried it, because someone bought her some.
instant coffee isn't for everybody, but Grandma J didn't want to get involved with too much talk about ice cream. cream is really her favorite i food, and her biggest temptation.
Now, let's take a walk down
Remember, just click on the ads to enlarge for easy reading.
Who does this? Anyone hand feed that special someone in your life their morning Borden's coffee?
George Washington instant coffee was a trailblazer in the instant coffee business....however, it never made it across the Delaware.
But, George Washington was no fool, nor was he a wimp. Men everywhere were learning how to boil water. What an epiphany!
Hot or cold, instant coffee was becoming a big hit in the 40's.
Looks like instant Chase & Sanborn finally made it down the Pike in the 50's!
But alas, in the 60's it was Nescafe who introduced the New Jet Process that explodes pure coffee.
Grandma J can tell you, instant coffee had nothing on plain old instant milk......

Betty Crocker introduced her brand in the 40's boasting the fact that it didn't spoil or curdle.
Grandma J can't help but wonder how it shrunk that woman on the right to make her short enough to play a child in that ad. An added bonus is the recipe for swedish meatballs.
Of course MIL-KO instant milk was compared to water, and cheaper too, but with only half the calories of whole milk. All Grandma J can say is no kidding. Grandma J remembers her mother trying on numerous occasions, to jump on the instant milk bandwagon in the 50's with Carnation instant milk. She should have stuck with it for baking and cooking never went over in a big way with her family for drinking or cereal. It tasted awful and it looked like dirty yellowy water.
Did you grow up with instant milk? Do you drink instant coffee?
Now, mosey on over to A to Z Mondays, hosted by Jen at Unglazed, and check out some fascinating i foods. It's never too late to join in!

I think I saw a donut in one of those ads and that's all I can think about now. The power of a donut in my life -- such a confession here!
No instant milk for me. ewwww.
I just had yellow water. Not sure why. ;)
Those ads are hilarious.
I have to go now and help the coach boil water and then feed him his morning joe.
I'd sooner drink instant beer than instant milk or coffee.
However, my cousins (whose mother was a pediatrician) were forced to drink instant milk all the time. It was horrible! They were city types and when they'd come visit us country bumpkins we would look on in horror as that doctor mother added water to white powdeer and called it milk.
Great walk down memory (or is that nightmare?) game. How was the instant Starbucks?
just delightful.. mom tried the instant milk routine..didn't work at our house!
we kids hated it, wouldn't drink it..
even with chocolate added.. ..
Daddy made the final decision..
and that stuff went away as quickly as it had appeared..
have always enjoyed the ease of instant coffee..
especially Taster's Choice..
until it became too expensive for my taste..
nowadays..Maxwell House morning blend gets my day started in the nicest way..
time for a refill..
What a coincidink ... I was in Star$$$ on Sunday and saw those coffee packets and wondered if I should try them .. I didnt ..
LOVE all those old ads ..
Denver in the Spring is delightful..
let's communicate via email..
and discuss your upcoming trip..
would love to do a meet and greet..
looking forward to hearing from you..
hugs.. Loui♥
My mom tried to give us Carnation Instant Milk. My brother loved it, but us girls turned our noised up at it. Have a great day!
A View of My Life
Wait a minute! Men can boil water?! Are you sure about that? HA!
The shrunken woman in the instant milk ad made me laugh!
Great post, Grandma J! Happy Monday to you! :D
From the looks of that ad, I think a side effect of drinking instant milk is losing your nose!
I love the old ads. Keep 'em coming! Happy Monday! Great post.
My mom did the instant coffee thing when the microwave came out. How nasty is that stuff! ugh.
I never thought I'd become a coffee drinker in my adult life after smelling that stuff as a kid.
Happy Monday Grma J!
Ewww. Just plain old Ewww!
I guess I don't think easy and quick is always better after all. This is a revelation to me. ;-)
Can't believe the happy cows in CA would allow instant milk on their turf.
I will be going to Starbucks for those. Oh yes indeedy! I have a giftcard! Yeah! Instant milk...I'll pass on that one =)
Quite a history lesson there, G.J.! I used to drink a lot of instant coffee 'cause it was so convenient. Then my son got me a bean crusher device and I am a fresh bean snob. But there is still a time and place for instant!
My 86yr old mother drinks instant coffee and claims she doesn't like brewed. We didn't have instant milk at our house but I remember seeing it at the store and was always fascinated by it. Now Instant Breakfast,Coffee flavor, was something that I remember liking when it came out.I never see coffee flavor at the store now. ;>( Happy A-Z Monday!!
Is instant milk the same thing as powdered milk? Because we were tortured with that for years by my frugal mother. Yeecch!
After yesterday's vote by our elitist governement "representatives", my personal I words are leaning more toward Indignant, Irate, Indigestion.
Karen B.
I did not grow up with instant milk. I have never drank instant coffee. I do, actually, hand spoon Gary his coffee each morning at 5:00 when he goes to work though.... PSYCHE! Gary is lucky if I am awake enough to mumble goodbye. I tried to get up early with him when we were first married. It only lasted one morning. I should do a post about that. I LOVED this post. As usual, you delivered a smile!
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