Tuesday, April 26, 2011

On the Bumpy Side of the Road

For the last two and  a half days, including the nights, Grandma J had a long lost friend visit.  You know how you can forget all about someone who has a profound effect on your life until they show up?  Then once they are back in your life for just a short time...like minutes you don't know how you ever forgot!

You know how time can cause you to have a brain fog, or selective memory syndrome? Grandma J doesn't know either. 

She thought she had left her friend back in California because she hadn't seen or heard from her since retiring......but she found her in Texas, on Easter Sunday.

Easter morning she arrived and the memories of avoiding sounds and light  came rushing back.  Grandma J almost forgot how  numerous encounters hugging the John were part of the full package.

Her friend's name is Migraines.....

Today it's off to the doctor for some relief, because Tylenol and  ice cream don't cut it.


Busy Bee Suz said...

Oh, you poor thing!!!!!!
I wonder why she found you again....did you give her your forwarding address???
Feel better soon.

Marla said...

I too suffer from migraines. They are no fun. I hope you start feeling better soon.

Unknown said...

Oh no! I am praying, praying, praying for you today! Sending you lots of love! Dear Jesus, please take away Grandma J's horrible headaches. Amen!

Mark said...

I'm in your club. Sadly.
Try Zomig ZMT 5mg. It helps within 45 minutes for me. I hope you feel better soon.
Your Friend, m.

Anonymous said...

Feel better soon!!! I haven't had one since I retired and hope she doesn't come back to visit me.

Postcard Cindy

Bluebird49 said...

Oh goodness, G.J (I must have dropped into "rapping" or something there for a sec!) We have a mutual friend that we both despise? Let's drop her like a hot potato!

What on earth brought her to Texas when she has been up in VA for years and years? I'm glad you're going to find relief and glad you know how to "spell" it, too.

You are one of the funniest writers I read, by the way. I love your sense of humor. And with "friends" like ours-that's hard to hold on to.

I Am Woody said...

Hope you are feeling better!!

Liz Mays said...

I'm so sorry! I know those are debilitating, and I feel bad you're suffering. :(

Connie said...

With friends like that you don't need any enemies. I used to have migraines. I haven't had any for several years now. I hope you feel better really soon. Hugs to you.

M said...

One word Grandma J....."Imitrex."
Can't live without it here...because working with 25 five year olds and migraines don't mix!

I hope you are feeling better!!

Tamar SB said...

Oh no! Migraines are no fun at all! Hope you get some relief!

Tamar - linking up with CG!

Pumpkin Delight (Kimberly) said...

Arghh! I'm so sorry. I have never had one (knock on wood), but I have heard they are miserable. Take care of yourself!

Mental P Mama said...

Oh, my friend! I hope you have some relief pronto!

Daryl said...

AAAARGH! My remedy is to drink a large cup of black coffee as soon as the twinkling lights appear in the corners of my eyes .. it doesnt stop the headache but it lets me stall it long enough to get into bed for when it slams me .. eons ago when I had them in clusters the doc gave me a med that worked but damned if I can think of the name of it now .. I hope you get something to help .. xo

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Poor GJ!! Hope this is over soon. I hear milk causes migraines but not sure of that.