So don't miss it......
"Pack up the babies and grab the old ladies and everyone goes, 'cause everyone knows, brother loves....." ICE CREAM!
That's right,
Neil Diamond is taking me you have to head on over to your local favorite ice cream parlor tonight because 31 cents is really a steal. The catch is, this real deal is from 5pm -10pm only. All 2,700 locations nationwide are participating which is just fine with me since I live in a DQ only kind of town that frowns on real ice cream. So, someone have a scoop of Butter Pecan for me.
*this is a public service announcement and in no way endorses DQ.
check out the updated Deep Thoughts------->>>
I just found 82 cents in my sofa cushions!! to celebrate I might have to get me 82 cents worth of jamocha almond fudge!
Thanks for the sweet tip.
That's right! And I missed it.
oh hippo.....too bad I didnt see you at the mall today, you could have contributed to my "panhandlers" fund.
I'm so sad I missed it! Our Sr. High group was going but I had a Staff Parish Relations meeting that night. Ice cream is MUCH more exciting!
We'll get you some "real" ice cream when you make the big journey down here!
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