I'LL HAVE THAT ON RYE, please!And my readers say, who cares? Well, Believe it or not? She cares.
It's simple,I love all bread, except the white fluffy stuff that taste like glue is made from synthetic foam-like stuff. One of my all time favorite breads is Rye Bread...more specifically, Jewish Rye. So does this guy.........
because in his day, he was a goofy loon popular comedian who loved his sandwich on Jewish Rye at this restaurant. Sorry to say, I live in a town in Central Texas that has one grocery chain called H.E.B., which stands for Her Enormous Butt. They are always out of rye bread of any kind........but fear not, concerned readers, WallyWorld carries rye bread, a variety of two kinds.
Experts say Russian Rye is darker because they put more molasses or cocoa in it, and who am I to trust my lying eyes? There are even more rye breads......everyone lays claim to one. Swedish Rye is sometimes referred to as Limpa.
It's not sold in loaves, instead the Swedish prefer to just serve it up in their usual high fashion like this.OK, so now that I've totally bored all my readers, you are now excused to enjoy some Rye of your own liking. If you want.

Thanks for the interesting lesson. I think I'll stick with white bread but a little Wild Turkey never hurt anyone! :)
I may have made this up but I thought you left a comment with your email address so we could make a plan for the roadtrip but now I can't find it, so send me an email and we'll make a plan.
I don't know much about rye bread except I like it. I always thought of it as pretty generic. Now I see that the Swedes put heart shaped pats of butter on theirs. Yeah, that's the one I want.
Rye bread 101
Thanks for the lesson !!
I LOVE bread....I could never go on that Atkins diet or I would starve....I exist on starches and carbs :) Rye bread? Yes please- every Friday I split a turkey avacado on white rye with my co-worker...but I am on the clock so I can't have the Wild Turkey until after 3:15!
Are you going to take Cortney's Challenge? I have and will post it in the a.m.
Blackie popped out this morning- they eat off their egg and stay in the incubator for the first 24 hours. Tomorrow they will go into the brooder and eat chcik starter food and drink water...on their own cuz I am not much for regurgitating food and stuffing it in mouths of babes :) But they are also not mine...the ducks have about 9 more days to incubate.
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