Here is a fun challenge, blogger friends!
The only rule is that you have to answer the questions using only pictures.
Here is mine. I want to see yours, so let me know!


HOW DO YOU FEEL RIGHT NOW Yeah, I'm like such a dork!
I love it! Good job. It's hard to find a picture about being single!
Grandma J, I found you from Heartshapedhedges and I have to say, I hope I am as cool as you when I'm a Grandma!
Ohhh you did a great job! It was fun but I did add a few questions just because I had fun pics to use.
The baseball game photo...I just had to ask- that is the Giant's stadium...were you there? It isn't too far from my house!
And lastly- LOVE your breakfast!! Something I would eat :)
Well, when I find some time, maybe I'll try the challenge. I think the hardest thing for me will be to put my name in pictures. Hmmm..
That's hysterical. I'm still in a fog because I had to ask my husband if he could tell what was on the plate with the steak (favorite food). We both thought it looked like ice cream with miniature marshmallows. Say it's not true!
Dear Grandma J
Admit it.... you work for the FBI don't you?
census bureau?
The Little old Lady from Pasadena
Hi Grandma J!
Read you often (laughed just as often) at Bossy's place, and just HAD to stop by after the hearty recommendation Madame X gave you. I'll bookmark you when I get home because I'm wiping my work hard drive clean soon, so . . . Great picture essay, and I may have to steal that! With credit, of course.
Laurie @ Foolery
Karen, you and your husband are correct. That's ice cream with marshmallows.
that was the typical menu when the grandkids came over.
I took this challenge a few months ago. . . and here are my results:
I did it.
Do you know how long it takes to come up with pictures!?!
Oh, that's right, you do.
Thanks for time consuming project - really - I mean it. (My husband is gone this week)
Coop did it (with the assistance of his mommy and aunt.) It is pretty time consuming - that's why aunt Pookie finsihed it for him. =)
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