I like commercials. Not all commercials, but the ones that go over the top to get your attention with catchy phrases or visual images that become timeless, and when you hear them or see them you automatically know the product.
I like commercials. Not all commercials, but the ones that go over the top to get your attention with catchy phrases or visual images that become timeless, and when you hear them or see them you automatically know the product.
For instance "You're In Good Hands" - Allstate; "Can you hear me now?" - Verison; "It's finger lickn good" - KFC. Visuals would be things like the Energizer Bunny beating his drum, or the Purina cat doing the cha-cha. One that I thought was timeless; "Please don't squeeze the Charmn'". I know Mr. Whipple died, may he rest in peace, but the catchy phrase stuck around didn't it?
Yesterday a Charmn' commercial, one that I've seen often, but never really paid much attention to, had a phrase that struck me funny.
Funny as in, Who came up with that phrase? The phrase I'm speaking of is, "It doesn't leave pieces." The animated commercial shows an adult bear noticing "pieces" of toilet paper on a cubs bum, and scrubs them off with a push broom.

Oh, and finally, for those of you who are super-saver shoppers, here's a little something for you.
Who knew? I use cheap stuff and I don't think it leaves pieces...maybe I'd better switch. I'm clipping that coupon, my market doubles them.
Gross! It doesn't leave peices!!! That's nasty!
Who is the lucky bum who gets to test THAT theory?
Oh, you killed me this morning with your comment, Grandma J -- the one about the arms like battleships? Ha ha ha ha, I SO get what you mean! I think I would look like a balloon in a corset in that little number. And it does nothing to address the Boob Muffins! Thanks, you made my morning. :)
Charmin the first to come out with the 9 roll pack of 2 ply!
Madame x never saw her Mom so happy
Pieces? That is the sickest thing that I never thought I'd hear on a commercial. But, true. Giancarlo and I have actually had fights over.....pieces. That's why the only toilet paper I'm allowed to buy is Von's brand. It leaves, no pieces.
By the way, Grandma J, I sure like you.
and Jason, LOL, now Im stuck imagining PIECES!
never had an issue with pieces...running out because my kids use too much, or because not enough is on the roll, or having to call out for someone to bring me more TP, or my kids not wiping good enough, all of those issues going on, but PIECES????
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