I did it, yep, After watching his demonstration for months, I fell prey to the charms of Vince the Shamwow pitch guy. This never happened with Billy Mays and his Oxy Clean, even though I did buy his Hercules Hooks.
Maybe because Vince told me I waste twenty dollars a month on paper towels, and for that same twenty dollars I could have eight Shamwows. These Shamwows are guaranteed to last ten years! It's not like I ever have to soak up a two liter bottle of soda from my carpet or anything, but to think I'd never have to buy paper towels again made me wonder what I'd do with all those Bounty coupons my three paper holders.
For some reason I put all my faith and trust in this weirdo with the sloppy mowhawk and crappy looking headset.
My Shamows arrived Friday, and all I could say is "WOW" since I was hanging with my favorite guy, JJ this weekend, I thought I'd give them a try. We went to the drive through carwash because it drives JJ crazy...he runs from window to window, trying to catch the flow of water or suds as the nozzle arm rotates around the car.
When the wash ended, I pulled into a shady stall, got out with my Shamwow, and started to show off dry my car. Honestly, I couldn't believe what a disappointment it was. There was some weird lint all over my car, and it streaked my windows. I threw the Shamwow in the trash recepticle, and opened my tailgate to get my trusty shammy and microfiber cloth for my windows. All of a sudden I saw this lady walk over to the trash and look in. She saw that I was watching her, and asked me if that was a Shamwow that I just threw away. I said yes it was. She asked if I minded if she retrieved it, and I told her not at all. I told her that she'd be disappointed because it leaves lint all over your car. She said she doesn't use them on her car. Guess what she uses them for? No, not her spills....are you ready for this? She uses them in her son's diapers pocket liner (or is it liner pocket?) at night because he's a heavy wetter. I couldn't believe my ears, and I almost gave her my other Shamwows but decided it may not be in her son's best interest.
I feel so much better knowing I'm not the only gullable person who bought those. I think those commercials are spliced because my carpet wasn't dry after blotting up a spill. I hate to admit it but I purposely poured water on a small area in my dining room to prove to my husband that I spent $20 on something worthwile.
OMG, I cant believe they arent at least as good as a regular shammy.
I wouldnt want to replace paper towels....each one is clean and new, you dont have to re-use something over and over (or keep cleaning between uses.)
I know, Im sure that will increase my "carbon footprint" or something.
I want to know what JJ thought of a lady digging through the trash for a pee rag!
Rags in a box is the way to go!
Sista #1
Oh my heavens, Grandma J! The timing of your post is so fortuitous. I saw that commercial and was so convinced that it was a good thing. I watch almost no tv, and have never bought a single thing off the TV, but that was a darn good sales pitch. Please tell me that they really did work awesomely on other spills and things. Although, I agree with HSH that I like the idea of using something new and clean (that I don't have to wash) with each spill. Still, the pennypincher in me is attracted to ShamWow nonetheless . . . .
Karen B.
Karen B, I'm gonna stick with my real shammy and micro fiber clothes. A good size real shammy is not cheap, but they last forever, and can go in the washer. Something is pretty magical about the micro fiber cloths, but I've only recently bought a couple..but like them. I was hoping I would really like the shamwow, but no, It's more of a scamwow.
Of course the video is spliced. People do not watch the video very well with a scrutinizing eye. Next time you watch it watch him pour the soda on the carpet. It goes all over the carpet then he lifts it to show you it's all the way through to the table. Then all of a sudden he grabs the Shamwow and as he goes to put it on the carpet for just a second look at the carpet stain ... It is a perfect circle or Oval not a huge splashed stain which is what you should see just a dark perfect oval. Then as the Shamwow hits the carpet which is so quick I believe it is allready saturated with colored water. Then shows how it picked it all up and then how the carpet is dry and not even stained underneath. Of course it is it's not the same carpet the splice happens just after the soda pur but before he puts the Shamwow on the carpet thats where the carpet is switched. Ironic thing is he says are you with me cameraman to make you think see it's not spliced but he says that after the switch so you don't start watching for it until it has already happened. Very sly.
They won't work well on your car unless they're wet.
Strange as it may sound, they have to be wet in order to dry.
That's why lint was going all over the car.
Go with Rick's comment. Try using them wet. Even a regular shammy has to be wet before it will dry, right? I don't have any, but I hate to think of you not using the rest of them and of the $20 you spent being totally wasted.
Just so you know, Oxy Clean DOES work. I use it all the time. It gets out red wine stains like magic... which is great bc I seem to like to spill red wine. Buy that instead of the Shamwow.
I have had them for over 3 years. Other then the car. I think they work great. I have a teenage son who tends to spill stuff alot when hes with his friends and they get all crazy and they work great to get up the mess. Yes it does tend to leave the carpet a little damp at times but it works better the paper towels that leave pieces behind when the get over used. I also use them on my cats when i give them baths and it works better then a towel. Ehh just my 2 cents. Oh and they do have to be wet to work.
LOL. Awesome review. Nice to know the "wows" are really scam shams.
Who the hell spends twenty dollars a YEAR on paper towels, let alone a month?
I'm happy to say I've never purchased anything from a tv ad and I feel bad for the folks who do.
CRAP!!!I'm not even kidding...I have wanted to buy those things forever,now!I have baughten into the fever pitch scam he gives off every single.time.I see that usually comes on when I'm getting my sons' dinner I see the commercial&think of all the possibilities of the friggin' SHAM WOW...LOL;)
It's like I've been told there is no Santa!!
The product is good but be cautious. I received 2 mops I did not order. and what I thought would be $19.95 plus S/H. Was billed $101.75 on my VISA. for 8 cloths. To return for credit you could loose more.
You're famous now! Maybe this is the big break you've been waiting for.
Charlene I spend about $15/mth on paper towel!!! unless ur by urself and not with a family of 6 with multiple animals of course one could spend that much a month! glad to hear the review i was wondering how they thing i bought and saw they were absolute lying garbage and actually sped up the process, was those green bags u put produce in and its supposed to make it last longer!! yeah right i put strawberries in it and the next day they were mush! they do NOTHING!
I am soooo glad I read this. they really do look cool on tv.
I'm impressed that the previous poster Mary gives her cats a bath.
That's kind of messed up that you write this terrible review about a product, clearly influencing people to NOT buy it and you didn't even follow the directions (GET IT WET FIRST!!!). I think you owe the Shamwow guy an apology.
I'm REALLY surprised this doesn't work! I use 'The Absorber,' which is the heavy-hitter of fake chamois and that stuff really dries my car PERFECTLY (no lint or streaks, etc.)
Anyways, I thought the Shamwow was literally a re-branded Absorber, but I guess it is different and worse...
You know what does work? the magic bullet. It is the best, I highly recommend it. FYI, Do not purchase it from the tv for $100 I got mine from target for $60
It is true oxy clean really does work. I use it on my white shirts that I have to wear to work. I work at starbucks by the way and getting coffee stains out of your clothes after having to let the stain sit there for 8 hours is not pleasant. You should buy stuff from the guy who hawks that more often, his products usually work. (I also buy orange glo for my wood floors and it works perfectly). And I will admit I wanted to buy the shamwow until Micheal K. over at DLISTED posted your review....
I also would buy some things from those guys...
I am old enough to remember Mr. Ronco himself, I brought the Bottle cutters to make drinking glasses out of. It worked exactly as advertised.
I hear that his Showtime oven works as well. Set it and forget it!
I also have the Magic Bullet, and it does work, although chopping cheese doesn't work as they show. It does work for iced drinks and slushies though.
I am so curious about this product now that I've read all of the posts. My husband ordered them yesterday. I wanted him to wait until they were availabe at the "As See On TV" display at our local drug store. At least if we bought them there, we could get a refund if they don't live up to all the hype.
siYes I fell for the Zorbies!!
They are junk, however my 10 year old armed with a grand idea and a stapler produces these lovely Haute Cotures!!
It totally works, people.
I saw a live demonstration at the fair and bought them on site. they are fan-tas-tic.
but please read the directions first. COME ON!
I don't know why people would even consider purchasing those things. The guy from the commercials is such a douche I would not even consider.
Hi Grandma J, I'm going to link your site through to mine.
Hope that's ok. :o)
I purchased the SHAM CRAP after watching a live demonstration, that and the beer led me to believe these things were magic. Now I own a bunch of brightly colored fabric that isn't worth the Charmin Extra I wipe my butt with. Should have tried to buy whatever he was using.
Sounds like someone didn't wet it and wring it out first per instructions.
Shamwow yea yea YEAH
yo yo in the house shamwows are kool
That commercial plays so many tricks on your mind.
- When he dumps the cola on the carpet and shows you the mess underneath the carpet and claims to be able to soak it up.
* scene change *
(I suspect he wiped up the mess off camera)
Notice the mess under the carpet is now gone!!
The he says 'watch this, we're gonna film this in real time'... Well duh, the stain is already gone....
'Look just by placing the scammy shame on the rug it'll soak 50% of the fluid up. Then he wrings out the fluid like it actually worked... lol
Or, on his initial demo, he shows a glass bowl full of water, then puts the rag in and voila, its sucked up right before your eyes. ok, fine...
Then, he wrings it out back into the bowl making a big mess. When he wipes the mess up, the camera cuts out before you can see the results of the wipe.
I hafta admit, I fell for it the first few times, but after seeing it 50+ times, I started to watch it for those kinds of things.
Very tricky those advertisers...
Shamwows are awsome....idk wat u guys are tlking about!! dey are the best thing in my life! my dog pees everywhere....n ya know what cleans it up? the shamwow!!! its sooo absorbent. Vince makes you wanna buy it....but ya know what i love him
Vince is a total douche!!
In the first place, these rags, or whatever they are, are not new. I had the same thing in the same orange color for over 30 years and they worked great when used as directed. Magic they are not, but handy they are.
Make sure you buy the chopper Vince is now promoting!!!!!!
Just linked over from MPM's page and saw this referenced on your birthday link. I had a good chuckle. Apparently the truth in advertising in this product lies in the "sham" part of "sham-wow."
Anybody who buys one of those things is a complete idiot - the camera cuts right in the middle of the demonstration, and he even says he's gonna do it in 'real time.' THE WHOLE POINT of 'real time' is that there's not going to be any camera cuts!!!! DUUUUUUUUUHHH!!
If you watch the pre-recorded demonstrations with a close eye, you can tell most of the effects they use.
Where the woman cleans up the spill on the floor, the editing people just put a mask over the spill and replace it with a picture of the floor before the spill.
Its sort of like photoshopping just with movie instead of pics.
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