My social calendar is ready to's like fitting a whole year into a couple of weeks. My head is spinning and reeling from all the alcohol food, fun, people, animals and hot humid so unlike Southern California weather.
Remember me telling you about my meeting with Jason, Hula Hank, and Pumpkin Delight? Well, I neglected to mention the hootenanny I went to the day before.
By hootenanny, I mean a poolside luncheon with some lurker and non-lurker friends from when I worked as a Public Servant at the County.
Remember me telling you about my meeting with Jason, Hula Hank, and Pumpkin Delight? Well, I neglected to mention the hootenanny I went to the day before.

Francis is not a lurker.....but Francis loves Grandma J.
Yep, he picked him up and dropped him off in a real live, honest-to-goodness, vintage fire truck. Every year, this retired fireman...being my son's father-in-law, picks up his old fire truck from the 13th century, and spiffy's it all up by spit shining it for an upcoming parade.

It's his big thing every year. One year the high school cheerleaders rode on top, another year the football team rode, and the Boy Scouts another year.....but always, always, his grandson rides...and his 90 year old father!

They all had fun and bonded...can you see the bond?

And being so totally silly....
Looks like fun! I love the Rainforest Cafe. I've never been to the one in CA, but have been to the one at Downtown Disney in FL.
How great. Hootenany. that is a word that should be used much more!
Looks like fun. Was francis the dog? I love Rainforest Cafe, the food is always good and always too much. The firetruck is so cool. you look so natural in it, perhaps you should join the volunteer firefighters.
I bet you are getting ready to come back home for some R and R.
Pooper and Beauty are so gorgeous. they should be cloned.
Woweeeeeeeeee! We want to go to Rainforest Cafe so bad! Kaishon would like to know why Pooper's name is pooper. I told him to use his imagination : ). Those grandkids are so cute! This trip seems WONDERFUL!
how cool! what great fun and a very thrilling ride in the old fire truck for a boy! Not to mention GJ.
You are having way too much fun. Like I keep telling you, Beauty is the spit and image of you!
Are you ever going home? What fun! I love fire cool!
Grandma J. I cannot get over the life you lead. It is jam-packed with excitement and MEN and vintage fire truck rides and MEN DRIVING FIRE TRUCKS and trips to the RAIN FOREST.
But here is where I start to weird daughter's birthday was this week and she wanted Anything Legos so I bought her the lego BEACH HOUSE which was only one mortgage payment as opposed to three for the bigger Lego sets.
My point being you mention Lego Beach House and I bought Lego Beach House set, all in the same week.
If this doesn't deserve a trip to The Compound, I don't know what does.
BINGO! You win, have an open invitation to the compound. I even have an extra noodle.
Pooper and the birthday boy, Wheel, both got some kind of secret agent kit.
Beauty opted for a sequin covered chemis dress that declared her love for the Jonas Bros, Joe, and a silver belt to set it off at Libby Lu.
How fun!! I love downtown Disney...and could wander around there for might cost me a fortune...but it's fun!
Everyday's a party for Grandma J!
I like how he made the fire truck into a dune buggy by cutting out the back of the cab. You don't see that every day. Unless . . . you do?
You have some seriously beautiful grandchildren.
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