I'm having a contest!

Or how about one of these?
Well, the answer is yes you could, if you were entering one of Pioneer Woman's contests The Publisher's Clearinghouse Sweepstakes.
But I love you too, and I want to give you this.....
a WalMart Gift Card valued at $25. I can hear you saying,
it's about time yeah!
I have been very fortunate ever since I won two football pools started my blog back in March. I've met so many bloggers over the Internet and some in person...like Her, and Her...on my Major Road Trip to Phlugerville Tx.....and Him, and Him and Her in Los Angeles CA. So, this is my way of saying thank you, and let you know how much I enjoy all of your blogs.
Now, for the contest. Here's what you do. See the slide show in the column on the right? See that pitiful cute little "astronaut" bear? Well, I've been featuring my little astronaut bear in my posts for quite some time, and he's never had a real name....and a reader recently reminded me that he needs one. So, please submit a name in the comment section.
Since I don't have more that six a zillion readers, I won't be using a random computer generated winner picker. No, it will be a random grandchild's grubby little hand picking the winner out of a hat.
So, rack your brain, and shuffle your feet....then come up with a perfect name for my little bear.
Please! Just one entry per person!
Contest ends Friday, October 31st at noon PDT.
That's right, get your entry in before you go trick or treating. I will announce the winner at 6 PM on Friday....unless I can't find a grandchild with grubby hands.
Game 1: at Rays, PHILLIES TAKE IT 3 -2
Game 2: at Rays, RAYS TAKE IT 4-2
Game 3: at Phillies, PHILLIES TAKE IT 5-4p
Game 4: at PHILLIES TAKE IT 10-2
Game 5: at Phillies (if nec.), Mon., Oct. 27, 8 p.m. ET
Game 6: at Rays (if nec.), Wed., Oct. 29, 8 p.m. ET
Game 7: at Rays (if nec.), Thurs., Oct. 30, 8 p.m. ET
Youa are so funny. I will try this, but not for the gift...just for the pleasure of naming the infamous bear.
Gotta sleep on it....darn, I hope I can sleep and not worry all night about it.
If I have bags under my eyes tomorrow...it will be on your shoulders...I mean your blog.
I like Hamilton. Simply because my daughter named her first Teddy Bear Hamilton.
Thank goodness the deadline isn't tomorrow. Because I've been thinkin' on it overnight and have come up empty. I have some weak entries but nothing strong.
There has to be just the perfect name and hopefully one of your zillion readers will come up with it!
How bout Apollo.....that's my entry.
I LOVE Wally World so I wil lhave to think on this one....
He looks like a William to me.
I have thought this over, and yes, I lost a bit of sleep. More makeup today will help with the bags and circles. Anything for you Grandma J.
At first I thought the bear was a boy. I was assuming this because he is an Astronaut. But that is so sexist of me. It is 2008 and anyone can be an astronaut. Even girl bears.
And of course the bear is a girl, boy bears can't pole dance. That would be crazy!!
My name for the female bear is:
Ms. Tetty Bare. (sounds like Teddy)
Yes, it is a play on words for a stripper.
My mind is usually in the gutter too..I get it from my Mom.
Hey Grandma J...I do love a contest and a $25 gift card to wally world would be great for my new classroom. My entry is......Benny Bear.
Good Luck everyone...DONT FORGET TO VOTE!!!!
Bradley. He definitely looks like a Bradley. What a great give-a-way! Thanks!
BIG BEAR ENVY, of course! Isn't everyone jealous of his absolute cuteness???
If your dog is JJ, then I guess BB would be good for the bear.
Oh my gosh! I am SO excited about this! As soon as I pick Kaishon up from school I am going to have him look at the bear and pick a name. I am babysitting Mila and Sienna today also so I will let them pick too. I will put all of our enries in one submission : ) and you know, if I win this, it is going right to Quince's wife. Did you see that link I put on my blog today? There is a big giveaway thinger this week. You could put your name on that too. Do you want to? Here is the link!
How about Bodey...Bodey Bear...BB for short...
Sounds good to me!! Oh, and it sounds kinda unisex.
Sam The Bear. (however, I am loving Apollo)
Beary McBearpants.
I think Astro is a fine name for your bear! I just love contests & your site!
Bloggy...too obvious??
Chip. He looks like a Chip. As in "Chip off the old block" and not as in "potato"
Phillip Johnny Bob by Mila, age 6.
How come you picked this Mila?
"Doesn't that bear look like he has a lot of names Aunt Becky?"
"I guess so, Mila"
"Those are the three best boy bear names all stuck together; Phillip, Johnny and Bob"
"Well, good luck honey"
"I think it is a girl, Mila, and not a boy"
"OK, Sienna, what do you want to name the bear?"
"Polly Ellen Puffer"
"Wow! How did you think of that?"
"Kaishon and I thought of it together when we were playing today."
"Is that your final submission for the contest?"
"I want to call it Jamal Hall because it looks like a black boy bear"
"OK, Kaish, whatever you want."
I would call it Gar Bear in honor of our husbands, Gary : )! Love you even though I am not a good bear name picker : )
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