Enough about the World Series and Name that Bear contests....
A popular blogger posted about her beloved dog Charlie....again. He's a fine speciment of a dog, a Bassett Hound, and just as cute as can be. Recently she posted some pictures of Charlie in her side mirror of her car.....and said it was more fun that a barrel of monkeys, and suggested that her readers try it.
Did I just win something for the longest run-on sentence?
Well, not to be outdone, I thought I'd take some side mirror shots of JJ today.
Yeah, it wasn't easy...he likes to look out the drivers window because the ones in the back only go down halfway.
But he's always on a mission, no matter...even from the back seat.
"JJ, lookie here, Grandma J sees you!.....smile for Grandma J"
Once we get to the High School parking lot....his focus changes...he's on a bigger mission.
Looking right........
Then he hears a familiar voice.....

....it's his big sister

Your grandaughter is so adorable! And perfect! I WISH I looked like that when I was 14. Or 20. Or 25. Or ever : ). I am glad she has you and JJ in her world!
We are still trying to come up with a good name! I am glad the contest isn't ending quite yet!
Cute dog....cute kid! My dog just lays on the floor of the car and gets up when we get home...or if he smells the ocean...otherwise he's just along for the nap :)
Ok...that is really cute!
lol....she must love being picked up with a camera & dog! haha She is pretty.
JJ's sister is very pretty.
If my dog sat on my lap and stuck his head out the window, I wouldn't be able to see anything. Or breathe.
I am all for a dog being a family member, but does your grandaughter like to be referred to as the big sister of a dog?
I love it!
We need to get you a life my friend! :)
This is very cute. I can picture you driving and taking pictures...hopefully no one was injured during this process. Looks like he enjoys a nice ride and who wouldn't.
Your grandaughter is a volleyball player too!!!
So cool!!!
Seeing pictures of cute dogs is making me get the itch for a new one. We haven't had a dog for over a year now. JJ is very cute. And your granddaughter is, too.
Spoiled much?
All I can say is awwwwwwwwwww
I like how no one really said too much about you driving and taking pictures. Yet when I was in the car and took a video of Coop, it's all I heard about for days! =)
Hank, JJ's big sister loves the reference. JJ sleeps with her, and they are best buds. Now, sometimes I get bent out of shape when JJ calls me Grandma.
Meghan, I wasn't driving and taking pictures. I would pull over and shout stuff to JJ, especially when we'd see birds. I'd snap my fingers to get his attention. Besides, I can't drive, take pictures, drink coffee, AND put my mascara on all at once!
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