It seems people aren't forking over the bucks to travel for the Holidays this year. Experts say it's not that they don't have the money....they just don't want to spend it out of fear of being mugged that the economy may spiral down and knock on their back door.
The airlines are offering extremely cheap flights right now, and I've already booked two trips for the upcoming year for under $200 round trip! Of course, that prompted me to finish unpacking my luggage from my last junket......Lord have mercy, the things you find! I found a pair of toddlers socks, and a half eaten bag of Cheetos's in my tote, inside my carry-on. I also found a fork....that I must have accidentallystole dropped in my tote. It didn't have any distinguishing mark, so I couldn't have really wanted it. I don't even know where it came from, especially since I couldn't possibly get though security with it, and why would I have a fork?
When you fly first class....they serve cocktails or the beverage of your choice before the regular travelers even board. They they feed you. They feed you really good food, with real forks and a knife. So I'm thinking that's where my mystery fork came from.
The airlines are offering extremely cheap flights right now, and I've already booked two trips for the upcoming year for under $200 round trip! Of course, that prompted me to finish unpacking my luggage from my last junket......Lord have mercy, the things you find! I found a pair of toddlers socks, and a half eaten bag of Cheetos's in my tote, inside my carry-on. I also found a fork....that I must have accidentally
When you fly first class....they serve cocktails or the beverage of your choice before the regular travelers even board. They they feed you. They feed you really good food, with real forks and a knife. So I'm thinking that's where my mystery fork came from.

I can't afford to fly first class, so I started using my frequent flyer miles to upgrade. It irks me to no end when other people get free upgrades. You know, probably important people like celebrities, and famous people like Nobel Prize winners.
And people pretending to be other famous people. Where's the justice?
You just need to tell them that you are a world-famous blogger!!
I think Phillip gets away with murder, figuratively speaking. It's the charisma.
That pepper packet is seriously cute : ).
I LOVE your gift giving section, I forgot to tell you the other day : ). You are so clever!
I saw this post today on my friend Katie's blog and I thought you would really like it:
I flew 1st class once. Flew to Palm springs, compliments of Hub's boss.
Felt so special.
Hilarious...if airfare is so cheap, why don't you and Phillip Clause book a trip to Virginia. You can fly into one of several places: Newport News/Williamsburg International, Richmond or Norfolk although the last 2 are a good hour and a half - two hours from here.
Leave the fork at home, though. I'll give you a set for Christmas if you want.
Also, Cheetos and toddler socks taste the same to me.
So funny...a fork? Socks? You may be a cleptomanicac and are crying for help.
So glad you are planning some trips. That is a great thing.
I am also irked that others get upgrades when of course THEY don't deserve them....we DO!
The elmo scares me.
I love the chia song. So cute.
I'm flying to Virginia soon to see your little buddy Cooper!!!
OK. Now I'm concerned about the little kid out there with cold feet and no snack. One more thing to worry about today!!!!
Fly into Richmond when you come to VA. I'll come getcha. It's only about 45 minutes from my house:) Besides, we will need to pick up wine before heading over to CBW's place.
First class used to be an experience. One business trip, we got to fly first class, which would have been unheard of, for an up price of $25. Our travel gal jumped on it (glad I didn't make that decision!). When flying outbound on first class, we were served a very nice lunch. Condiments were served in little glass cut shakers. I looked at my co-worker and said...let's get these on the way back. 3 days later, the shakers were replaced with paper packets. And oh, TWA filed for bankruptcy that day as well...shoulda woulda coulda...
So funny the things you find after a trip. Just as I was packing for my current trip...I found a bag of half eaten chips and lipsticks I thought I had lost from my previous trip. Loved finding the lipstick...half eaten chips, not so much.
Your SIL went to U of R? That's such a beautiful school! I'm sure she enjoyed her time in Richmond. It's a fun little city:)
I love 1st class! We got bumped off a flight and they upgraded us to first class in compensation, plus free tickets! I enjoyed the food as well, but I really liked knocking back all those free vodka cranberries.
BHE, it was my son-in-law. He loved it there I think.
Hmmm, I am nervous to look at the flight prices. I just purchased two flights about a month ago and the prices were SKY HIGH! Now they're low??? I wonder if they will do a price adjustment. :)
A "pet alarm" for Christmas? I was thinking more along the lines of an ipod, a Blackberry, a new hybrid suv, etc.
We are staying home, but would rather be there with you guys.
Kelly, no fair peeking at me wish list! Would you prefer a real chia pet?
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