C IS FOR.......

What? You say catsup is spelled ketchup or ketsup? Not according to everyone...like me. Not if today is the letter C day.

Here is an old ad from the Brooks catsup people. Another site that should convince you that Catsup is spelled with a C is The Catsup Crapper. There you will find the cutest little Catsup video....check it out, you won't be sorry.
* The spelling catsup seems to have appeared first from the pen of Jonathan Swift, in 1730, according to the folks at wiki.
Brought to you by A to Z Mondays.

Dear God. If I could buy one of those catsup crappers I would be very popular in my little world.
That's crazy! We did a show in Collinsville, Illinois and I never saw the bottle of catsup...guess I was too busy looking for a bar!
I went over to PW's - your comment is #634! She now has over 6,700 comments! OMG!
I have to spell it "ketchup". There's something about saying "cat sup" that I don't find appealing when I'm eating!!!!
Grandma J, you should have chosen Chocolate for the letter C, and I would have had great pictures and recipes for you...and it would get your readers in the mood for Valentine's Day.
Let's see: a colorful, chic, cool chef cooking chicken with catsup wearing cowboy boots.
I swear your pictures CRACK me up.
OK, I'm back for seConds only I'm not going to use Cute "C" words now.
You CAN CALL me CRAZY, but heavens above I CRACK up every time I see that piCture of you beCause it's on my blog reader and it's at the top and it is hilarious. Downright hilarious! I'm not sure if it's the poncho, the nonChalant faCial expression or those killer spurs, but that's one downright funny piCture.
OK, I'll stop now. But I'm still laughing.
Very clever...I will never think of Ketchup again!
Now I know where you're spending all your time. Guess I'll have to keep coming here to "catsup" with what you're doing.
Gosh, I used to live in Illinois...wish I saw that big bottle! BTW you look fab in that rainbow poncho!
Colin, I can just see you playing with that skating bottle of catsup!
Deb, some day that town will have a bar that serves catsup martinis.
BHE, thanks for the hug. I will be reporting in tomorrow...a day late and maybe a lb lighter.
HSH, I didn't think about Chocolate...I should have.
CBW, You know how I am about fashion..very diverse...and weird.
Loxandlo, seriously, you are just finding me? I thought you were lurking like some others. I get tons of hits from OC, and particularly SA, but they don't comment. Some do, but through email.. I'm glad you commented :))
This should be included on a cultural literacy test!
Catsup is what we say at our house too. : ). Pennsylvania Dutch people say catsup instead of ketchup. Whatever floats your boat : ). Where have I been the last few days? How do I miss all of your posts?
Oh wow I see you are doing A-Z on Monday! :D
May I add you to my A-Z blog roll?
BTW- Catsup is the only condiment I use.
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