Hey, What Were They Thinking?
Yes, of course....every mother should have a sun lamp so she and her baby can have matching tans....What was she thinking?
God help the man who spanks his wife because she doesn't store-test (is that sampling?) for fresher coffee? Chase & Sanborn had a turn-key tin similar to sardine cans....but really.... What was he thinking?
During the World War II Americans made numerous sacrifices for the war effort. Certain things were rationed, and everyone did their part. But when it came to Ride-Share....you had better not be caught riding alone.....What was Uncle Sam thinking?
I do have an MJB coffee can that was opened with a key...don't have the key though...just the can.
Happy Weekend!
Those brilliant makers of the tanning lamp were from Richmond, which explains a whole lot.
Child abuse; spousal abuse; international terrorists; atomic bomb kits; and weapons?
Sounds like the first 15 minutes of the news each night to me.
p.s. We have two Daisy BB guns here...we can have target practice in July if you are interested.....
Holy Mackeral. These ads are just plain crazy. What were they all thinking?
I just wonder in 50 years, what will be brought out from today's ads????
Coach only spanks me when I forget to buy creamer at the store. :)
You have a wonderful Blog Grandma.
Keep it going, i love it.
By the way, I found you tru your comments on DD2's also wonderful blog
I think that these old ads should be brought to mainstream media : ). Especially the guns! I think that would be PERFECT in a superbowl commercial : ).
I have to say I burst out laughing on all of these. Back when times were simpler. LOL. Can you imagine if ads were like this now? Scary thoughts.
Wow. These were really good! I wonder how many things we'll look back at in 2040 and make fun of.
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