It's Thursday, and most of you
I invited my neighbor over to give her some bakery and ice cream stuff that was in my freezer, because I don't like the temptation staring me in the face every time I open the freezer....and I open it often just so I can stare at the ice cream.
When I opened the freezer to get the bag of goodies out for her, she gasped!! At first I thought she was having a coronary or something....until she pointed at the freezer door shelf.
That's why I want to play a game....we can all play without any pushing or shoving. Those are the best kind of games, unless you still have a bit of sibling rivalry going on. In that case, please invite your sibling or a stand-in to join you. Are you ready? Let's play........

I didn't tell my neighbor that right before Christmas I had twice as much Starbucks Christmas Blend. Just the thought of running out scares me.

Now, tell me, or better yet, show me....What's In Your Freezer?

You crack me up. I suppose that coffee is good...and you can only get it around the holidays.
gosh, i would have to clean my freezer first...I can't embarass myself now can I?
Oh my glory, you're funny.
I can't play without pushing and shoving, but I'll tell you what's in mine while standing in the penalty box.
Frozen chicken; frozen tuna; frozen shrimp; gunked up popsicles that melted during Hurricane Isabel when we lost power for two weeks....that was in the year 2002 or 2003, I think? Yeah, years ago, and the gunk is still there. YOu really don't want me to go any further with this....
I love seeing Philip Johnny Bob! He looks dashing and dapper in that navy blue.
Yep, you decided to play this game after you cleaned out your freezer!
I have a ton of banquet pot pies and Dove ice cream bars. I think I also have a turkey carcus that someone wanted me to save to make soup. I think its been in there a long time.
A bunch of stuff that belongs to my roommate almost empty bottle of Rum that belongs to me! ;) Shocked aren't you!!?!??!
A couple of Lean Cuisines, a package of Skinny Cow ice cream sandwichs, frozen pork chops, and a bottle of Skyy vodka!
I still have teething rings in there from Peepers, mystery freezer burnt meat , unrecognizable things in containers, ice cream that is about 3 mos. old, along with the usual basics.
I would be embarrassed to take a picture.
Oh my gosh! I can't wait to play! You should put a Mr. Linky up and have us all link back here. I will play as soon as I can get to my camera!
Hi Grandma J
We love the Christmas blend too!Its so good !
I cleaned mine out just before mom came so I have only frozen veggies !
PS:Did' nt Martin Luther Kings daughter live in CA?Or was it his son? don't want to run out of Starbucks coffee, do you? In my freezer is some frozen pea soup, baby food I made for the grandson, ice cubes, veggies, chicken and a bottle of Ketel One. One must have chilled vodka!
I am SO taking a picture of my freezer tonight!!! I'll post it over the weekend....if I ever thaw out enough to hold my camera steady.
OK, what's with all the booze in the freezers? I'm guessing it doesn't freeze? And you don't need ice, especially if you chug it from the bottle? How did this get past me back when I drank?
Rebeckah, I don't know anything about Mr. Link, but I can just imagine how much fun I could have with him...something like that could be dangerous in Grandma J's hands.
Frasypoo, I don't know where any of MLK's children live, but LA would be a good choice.
BHE, I can't wait to see your freezer.
I almost forgot....CBW, I need to see those popsicles fro hurricane isabel...really, I can see a post or two in their future.
You are gonna love Mr. Linky. It is on ABC Wednesday. People can come to your page and add their information.
See if this helps explain it. I have never done it. I think if you do it, I might be brave enough to try too : ).
OH dear. "Grandma J. meets Mr. Linky"..sounds like the name to an X-rated movie.
I don't know Mr. Linky either, but if Grandma J. tries him out and he's good, please ship him to Virginia or give us a lecture on him when you host a blogging seminar in July.
1/2 bag ravioli, waffles, texas toast, freeze pops, pork, chicken, a chicken pot pie, pretzels, spaghetti sauce, and ice cubes.
No it isn't pretty, it's full to the max and not with Starbucks either. A bunch of frozen veggies and sourdough bread,..wish there was something fattening and delicious in there. I need to diet too...
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