How Do You Know When It's Time

There probably aren't any guidelines set in stone. I know some people have clean desks all the time...some others, eat and drink at their desks, not that I know anyone who does that.
But generally speaking, when it comes to cleaning my desk, I think it's probably a good idea to give it some serious thought when this happens.
Yes, I believe it's time.
Well, on the brighter side, at least it didn't get on your keyboard.
I have hand lotion, 2 empty cans of seltzer water, one half drunken diet dr. pepper and a dixie cup with a smidge of red wine in it (soon to be no red wine). One crock pot cookbook; one set of nail clippers; a remote control. Oh, and a ped egg.
Among other things. Many, many other things.
I am of the mindset that a cluttered desk is not just representative of a cluttered mind, but rather a creative mind. That's my story and I'm stickin' with it.
I can't even find my desk!
And that little voice scared the crap out of me! I had my speakers turned up from listening to music and forgot to turn them down!
My Mr Dell suffered from druken tea just the other day and is now in the geek hospital. I hope I have learned my lesson, will have to see how long it last.
Oh NO! What a close call. I don't have a desk. We didn't buy one when we got our furniture. I was looking for something perfect (and CHEAP : ) and I still haven't found anything. We have a big overstuffed chair with a foot rest in front of it. I am sure it is terrible for backs. I should take a picture of the foot rest to show you. It is piled with work files, my camera, my dayplanner, Kaishon's books and 1 shoe. We are VERY neat in this house...
Yeah, not so much!
So funny...I hate it when that happens. I have to clean mine about once a week....I get bills, papers and junk just piled up and it starts to bug me.
What is that woman saying? I win?
what? what did I win?
I am such a wacko...Linds had to show me how to play your game. I stunk at it.
I NO win.
Uh oh. Couldn't you just swipe it back in the mug and keep on going?
Just so I have it straight, it is the spilt coffee that is a problem right?
Easy. Just get rid of your desk. My lap, no matter how hard I try, never gets cluttered.
PS-Seeing you and HSH and Beauty and the gang sounds tempting! But alas, I have to work that day (training).
But you could whiz on up the 5 afterward, and come to my real party! Seriously!
Um, Grandma J, I just came upon this NEWS FLASH, and now, it's all making sense. Your "retirement", the "compound", the "pool parties", even "staying up til 2am"
This should explain it to those still wondering:,2933,482785,00.html
OMG, HSH! I have never read anything so funny in my life! Uh, the Compound is just some gated apts. a pool and clubhouse. No golf course, dance clubs or STD epidemics! That is so hilarious! I'm sure everyone has seen those commercials for The Villages in FL. They show them nationwide. It's a big Leisure World.
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