Sunday Grandma J's daughter took
My granddaughter and I decided to take Flat Caroline to a landmark here in Central Texas. Maybe a Mesquite tree, or a field full of cattle...ummm, nah, we did it one step better....

We took Flat Caroline to the main gate of Fort Hood Army Post. Fort Hood is 340 sq. miles of rolling hills and plains, with a population of 71,000, and the largest active duty armored post in the United States. It's also the post that 1Sgt John deployed to Iraq from with the 1st Cavalry.
Foot Hood has played an important role in the life of my granddaughter, and she wanted to share it with Flat Caroline. My granddaughter came to Killeen Texas in 2002, when she was in the 2nd grade, just like Flat Caroline. In seven years her father has been deployed to Iraq three times, and Korea twice. Each tour of duty is at least one year in length. If you do the math, it's easy to see that the families of our active duty military make huge sacrifices, just like their parents who serve our Nation. Grandma J's granddaughter is now 15 and in the 9th grade...boy does time fly!
We stopped and bought a post card of Texas, and printed out these pictures to send to Flat Caroline's teacher and classmates.
Bye bye, Sweet Caroline, good times never seemed so good......
and she's off to faraway Florida!!

I now have an urge to echo "so good, so good, so good," but I'll refrain. I come from a long line of Infantrymen and I honor your granddaughter's father and all our brave men and women who serve valiantly. Bless them and their families today and always.
We took 'Flat Stanley' with us last year to the east coast. He came with our granddaughter and her daddy. They saw Gettysburg, Niagara Falls, and many of the D.C. monuments. He also got to go on the Harbor Queen around the Chesapeake Bay. I think he had as much fun as we did!
I love to see these posts and will miss Flat Caroline.
Please relay my sincere thanks for what your granddaughter and all her famaily are doing in support of our country. It really touches my heart.
Dear Grandma J,How exciting!I can't believe I actually went there,to the biggest armored post in the whole United States!Amazing!Cool!I like the pictures on the sign.I like that people can read about my adventures with you.It makes me feel good.Also,your grandaughter is very pretty. I am glad I got to meet you guys.
See ya,Caroline
What a great time for Flat Caroline! Am glad she had spring time in TX with a military family :) (I know, no blog; but what can't Flat Stanley be here too?)
Good job - I'm sure Flat Caroline had a life-altering experience with you and your granddaughter. BTW - never knew all those facts about Ft. Hood. Am aware of how difficult it is for the families left is indeed a sacrifice of immeasurable proportions.
Did you get any pictures of Flat Caroline and Alf together?
That's a very clever idea. I hope Flat Caroline enjoys being a tourist and going to interesting places. You'll have to get her out more!
Boy did I send her to the right place!!
And BIG Foot needs to meet your granddaughter!! She's so sweet to pose for the photos!
When I read about Jeri's struggles over at In the Gutter, the price a family pays for their husbands/fathers to serve really hits home. Do you ever read her blog?
Umm that Flat chick is pretty hip lookin.
ps HOLY COW! I almost forgot to thank you for YOUR son who is also serving!!! Geez....I'm so embarrassed
Your granddaughter is one beautiful young lady:)
Any chance of Flat Caroline stopping by my place for a visit?
Sgt. John is da BOMB!!!!!
I'm sure Caroline appreciates all the offers to have her visit! I have sent her off to the Gulf Coast of Florida, then it's up to Suz to determine where she goes nexr. I excited to see what her nexr adventure is.
This is a great idea for any school class to do. I imagine any group that wants to collect postcards from different places could do it. Sunday School, Scouts, etc.
And to the "real Caroline", it's been such a pleasure to "meet" you. I hope you get many post cards from interesting places. I think your teacher should give you all A's.
Grandma J, her Granddaughter, Phillip Johnny Bob, & JJ
It is so neat that you take such an interest in your grandchildren's lives as well as anyone else who has had the opportunity to come in contact with you. Your blog page is always so full of energy and enthusiasm. I hope your grandchildren realize just how lucky they are to have someone who cares so much. Thank your son and son-in-law for protecting this wonderful country of ours.
You made a great choice on taking Flat Caroline to our HERO headquarters. I really only thought it was a regualr army base...that is where my cousin was for a year, he will be back there in July after his tour is done. I hope Sgt John's time is flying by so he can get back to his wonderful family. (I did not know he had been in Korea as well)
I have cleaned the guest room and borrowed a car seat for Caroline. It has been a long time since I have had a 2nd grader in my house....I hope she does not break anything. ;0
Great choice taking FC to Fort Hood! I'd like her to come to the little house for a visit. We live near A P Hill and Fort Lee.
All our serive men and women are my heroes!
Another great post by GJ!
What a great experience for Flat Caroline!
And please express my sincere THANKS to Sgt. John AND his family for their service to our country. We sometimes forget to thank the families of those serving, but they are making sacrifices as well. God Bless them!
Sgt John is awesome! Praying for his continued safety!
I pray for your son in law almost every morning while I am driving to work. We pray for him at supper too. I am SO grateful for the men and women who serve our country.
I am glad you could show Flat Caroline such a special place in our country : ).
What a great idea to take her to Ft. Hood! Many an awesome men and women have passed through these gates, including my nephew.
Thank you Sgt John and family
God bless the USA!!
These flats are going around the country right now like wildfire!
Love the journey, Flat Caroline!!
(We did this when my oldest was in 2nd grade. What fun!!)
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