It's A to Z Monday

For the letter I, I'm going with IKEA..because that's where I went yesterday after a baseball tournament. It's a big deal around here because IKEA is fifty miles away, and it's been two years since I've been inside an IKEA.

Can you believe the only thing I bought was this candle and coasters? For real. Oh, and some snazzy napkins.
I got lost in the maze and all I can remember was wandering past the same sink made fromcardboard shoe inserts real bamboo. I finally ask an employee if there was a secret to finding the cashiers.....and the exit. He told me to follow the signs towards the restaurant....yes he did.

Three hours later I bid adieu to IKEA. As I drove away, I couldn't help but think how awesome these flags would look at the Compound. Maybe by the pool. Do ya think?
Here is a bit of IKEA trivia...because I might be the only person who doesn't know this:
"The guy who started this retail chain is named Ingvar Kamprad. That gets us the I and the K. Well, Ingvar grew up on a farm called Elmtaryd. Now we have I-K-E. And Elmtaryd is in a town called Agunnaryd. I-K-E-A. And that's how this company got named."

.... and you know what that means. That's right, it means the stock market is continuing it's downward spiral. Or it's the day I'm supposed to tell you all about youth baseball and men who go commando dedicate their lives coaching youth baseball.

But, more importantly, boys and girls, it's all about the letter I.
This could have been all about my love of Iguanas, but that would be a little bit redundant and cause some fellow blogger to get extremely jealous leap off bridges. And then the rest of you would insist I tell you all about the time I had iguana tacos in San Blas, Mexico...or how I swam nude with six life guards in Maui....even if it was only a dream. The swimming with lifeguards was a dream...the iguana tacos was real.
For the letter I, I'm going with IKEA..because that's where I went yesterday after a baseball tournament. It's a big deal around here because IKEA is fifty miles away, and it's been two years since I've been inside an IKEA.
Can you believe the only thing I bought was this candle and coasters? For real. Oh, and some snazzy napkins.
I got lost in the maze and all I can remember was wandering past the same sink made from
Three hours later I bid adieu to IKEA. As I drove away, I couldn't help but think how awesome these flags would look at the Compound. Maybe by the pool. Do ya think?
Here is a bit of IKEA trivia...because I might be the only person who doesn't know this:
"The guy who started this retail chain is named Ingvar Kamprad. That gets us the I and the K. Well, Ingvar grew up on a farm called Elmtaryd. Now we have I-K-E. And Elmtaryd is in a town called Agunnaryd. I-K-E-A. And that's how this company got named."

Well who knew! You are just a wealth of knowledge! I like going to IKEA but like you do not live near one.=(
I've driven 28 mile to IKEA, but I wouldn't drive 50 to go back.
Interesting tid bit on the name. ;)
I'm so mad at you! Ikea is like 5 minutes from my house! We could have had a re-reunion!
Cortney, I got to several baseball tournaments every year at Old Settlers Sports Complex..or whatever it's called. The one near the Walmart off hwy 79 in Round Rock.
Doug's sister L.O.V.E.S. Ikea....when they came out once, we went.
Personally, it's totally not my style. It seems very euro-modern-1967 to me.
When I went through that maze (and is that concept not odd? it's like being forced to look at everything, no freedom to just to directly to your area of interest)...I did actually see a couple of organizer type things that were neat...but overall, completely not my style.
Happy I day!
If I had a blog...I would write all about Ice Cream..and include the fact that I took the kids (far away, to the only remaining) Farrells this weekend, and they serve "Thrifty" brand ice cream (and it's called Thrifty, not Rite Aid).
Oh...the things I could write about ice cream............
Very funny. So, did the baseball coach go commando? and if so, how did you know this?????
I just never know what I am going to find over here.....Iguana tacos? Nice to know this, if times get really tough I will start catching them for dinner. Iguana meatballs, Iguana stew....the possibilities are endless.
Can I change my entry for the giveaway...I want to enter in the one about us being twins. I had to send a link to my Mom...she loved it too.
I have not been to an Ikea...YET. Maybe one day Coach will take me there for our anniversary or some special day like that.....
Why yes, I do think they'd look lovely at the compound.
Let's get back to these nude male lifeguards who were providing iguanas for tacos.
That is what you said, isn't it? That's what I heard, anyway. It's been a long, hard day at work, and don't worry about where the words long and hard came from. They were swimming around my mind right next to those naked lifeguards.
OK, I'm stopping right now and putting myself on comment probation until I am more rested.
One last thing before I go into the penalty box: How did I miss Phillip Johnny Bob in the tutu pole dancing around a rolling pin? My God you're hilarious.
HSH, Thrifty Ice Cream is served up at many restaurants....including many very Ritzy ones. Farrells locally always used Thrifty. Take the kids and their swim team to the ice cream plant in Pico Rivera, or maybe it's Rosemead...right off the I-5. They can see how it's made, and get some free ice cream.
Suz, Iquana is used frequently as chicken in Mexico. I know this for a Go ahead and re-enter, but only because we are twins.
CBW, I posted Phil pole dancing around the time Cloris Leachman was on Dancing With The Stars, you probably got confused about who was who. Go have some wine and go to bed early. if I had a store that sold stuff to put together with little wrenches I could name it MRDW, (initials, farm and town,)...not quite as cool as IKEA...
...hating the time change here in CA...
Well, with Paul Harvey gone, someone has to tell us the REST OF THE STORY! Thanks!
I'm with HSH, totally not my style, but the IKEA history tidbit was interesting.
And if the ice cream plant is still giving tours, I recommend it based upon my experience touring it with my girl scout troop (about 30 years ago).
Karen B.
My goodness, Karen, I was taking kids to the ice cream plant 30 years ago. I was a store director for Thrifty, so I could take the time off it was fun! It's nice to hear from someone who toured as a kid. One's off the I-10, not the I-5.
Fascinating stuff Grandma J. My friends LOVE Ikea. I like it ok. I have not had great luck with many of their products, so that could be my hesitation. Some people I know swear by it. I totally love their candles though : ). I got super beautiful ones in glass holders for Christmas gifts last year for only $1.
And PS I wish you could get flags like that at your pool! That would be so cool!
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