......you knew this was coming one day! And today is the day!
Remember Vince? Remember my infamous review of his Scam ShamWow? Michael K. over at dlisted put a link to that review on his website, causing the whole Internet my site to almost crash.....that's how I met Hollywood and Nick.
Thanks to my friend Hollywood in Albuquerque, who still does not have a blog....for finding this hilarious video of the ShamWow Song.
Hollywood is now my official scout. She's always looking out for me, and my blog.
So...enjoy the song....and hey, let's all clap and sing along!

i couldn't see the video so I looked at it on you tube....really funny.
What would I do with out you making me smile?
Grandma J, this made me LOL really hard. :)
Oh goodness! That is funny!
Shamwow lives on...and on....
When you come here in July, can you bring me some speakers for my computer? I've gone all these years with no sound. It's ridiculous.
stinkin cool- you know the shamwow people would be smart to incorporate this into the commercial!!!
CBW, You should be able to plug a head set or earphones into your pc for sound. If you have an ipod, the ear pods should be able to plub in to your pc also....
I love the song. I am loving the video. I am wondering how I can get one myself????
Will Hollywood come and visit me too???? I would LOVE it. ;0
Oh, that flippin song is STUCK in my lil ol' brain now....
the Shamwow guy is an expert at grabbing people's attention
Wow! That's horrible. We used ShamWows to do dishes at camp the other day. They were horrible.
Wow! Now this is gonna be a GREAT GREAT Monday!!!!! :) I feel famous.
I'll never get that three minutes of my life back:/
OMG! Cracking up here!
Think there is any hope for the hair?
I actually found myself tapping my foot along to the beat. Now that's sad. I must need some music in my life right now.
I don't even watch tv, but yet have seen this commercial. Why is it that 5 minutes of someone else's tv will leave you with the worst commercials?? Anyway, song stuck in my head now! Very funny!
I never heard of shamwow b4, but that was a pretty funny video!
I love my ShamWOW!!
I don't care what anyone says.
I goofed Grandma J. I was in the process of hooking up my new computer when you sent me your mailing addy for the giveaway winning. I lost it and wasn't able to print it out. Do you mind sending it to me again? Now the printer is hooked up. I was just heading to the post office to mail them out and found this out. So sorry.,
Hollywood is SO cool to have found that. He is a great scout : ). Very funny!
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