THE LETTER L is for Lady Bug

In many cultures the ladybug has been believed to bring good luck.

In France, it means good weather is coming.
In Sweden, if a ladybug lands on a girl's hand, it's said to be taking measurements for her wedding gloves.
Another popular belief is that if ladybug lands on you, you can make a wish and chant:
"Ladybird, ladybird fly away home.
Your house is on fire and your children all roam."
If the ladybug flies away, your wish will come true.

brought to you by A - Z Mondays.
Lovely..and we have plenty of ladybugs at the little house.
I didn't know all that about ladybugs. Also, that ladybug teapot is almost as cute as your grandchildren.
We have a ladybug infestation at my work. I like ladybugs, but not when you walk in and all of a sudden they're crawling all over your office. If that thing about luck is true, I must be the luckiest human on the planet.
Ladybugs are my daughter's sorority mascot. She has them everywhere and on everything.
That picture is absolutely priceless! Ladybugs are cute and are very useful, every year they invaded our church and kept the children quietly occupied. LOL
I didn't know ALL of that very INFORMATIVE INFO about LadyBugs!
We have several here! Sometimes they even show up in the winter months! I try to SAVE them and put them on my houseplants!
VERY CUTE Picture!!!!
Cute! Pooper and Beauty were so little!
I had no idea about all that - Wow, you are informative!!
Very cute...I love lady bugs. I always knew they were good luck if they land on you. My aunt in Atlanta used to have really badly sealed windows in her house and certain times of the year they would be inundated by ladybugs. They were EVERYWHERE. talk about good luck.
You put the word BUM on the diagram, didn't you?
ladybugs are cool...but I must add that they are BEETLES...and their life cycle is rather cool. (See I do learn stuff in kindergarten too!) They start as little sticky yellow eggs on a leaf-out hatches a black beetle with tiny red lines on its spine...then it eats and eats and forms a pupa and comes out as...a Ladybird Beetle...and they have four wings to go along with their bum!
*I have the day off!!*
I love ladybugs! I always heard they were good luck if you find them in your house.
it looks like it was good luck for them!!!
I love that picture, very sweet. My good friend here did her daughters nursery in ladybugs, I had a quilt made for her. She just said she is doing what is going to be a final ladybug party for her 6th birthday---
lady bugs and butterflies are my favorites :-)
janet said...
Asking Grandma J: What was my mother thinking? She taught me "lady bug, lady bug fly away home. Your house is on fire, your children will burn" ! !
I really do love ladybugs! loved this post!!
and my mamma taught me... "lady bug, lady bug fly away home. Your house is on fire, your children at home!" oh dear... we surely loved to sing it though!! love that sweet picture :)
Mom x 2 said that it's good luck if you find a ladybug in your house. Well, each Spring, I rack up enough luck to last from here to eternity. Those darn things invade like you have never seen! YUK!!
I love ladybugs,they are so cute!!!
Great post. I once bought 100 ladybugs for my garden. They eat aphids, and keep your flowers from being chewed. I think about 2 didn't fly away. Yeah, I a sucker.
I've always like ladybugs! Your last photo was so sweet!!!
CBW and BHE, Now I'm really excited about going to VA. If you guys have that many ladybugs, pack um up and sell them to the attendees. I used to buy ladybugs every year for my garden. Yes, I did.
Whenever I saw little kids in the neighborhood catching little lady bugs, I told them they were mine!
This was fascinating. The things I learn here....it never ceases to amaze me : ).
I like the real deal - we get inundated with those "fake" ladybugs in the fall. The ones that bite and find ways into your house, seeking warmth.
They use ladybugs to eat aphids where there are infestations too. They are swell little gals! Nice L Granny!
Little One is SUPER into ladybugs right now, Ill have to show her your post!
Aw...that last photo is so sweet! Love it. A ladybug "bum"---HA HA HA HA! That gave me a good laugh. I never thought about a ladybug having a "bum" before. :D
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