or as they say in Chinese... 不要傷害我好朋友!
Tonight, I took my neighbor, (no not that neighbor), Donna, out to dinner for her birthday. We tried a new Mexican restaurant in our local tiny mall, called Hornduck Tavern. It's so fancy shmancy, the only thing I found on the Internet was their Temple Texas location, and a karaoke singer with them featured on her Facebook page. I'm serious. It looked the same but the menu wasn't Mexican....or as it's referred to here...Tex Mex.

The food was great, and the place was packed on a Tuesday night. The main dining room was still being remodeled, but the accommodations in the
Another event to celebrate was Donna and I both signed leases on apartments in a brand new
Donna likes the sprinklers over her bed in the event one of her boyfriends gets too hot to handle...she seriously told me that.
We both like the idea of the pool being heated year around, and the concierge service that includes coffee and pastry on the house every morning. Oh yeah, and someone named Huey will come collect my trash off my front porch three days a week at 8 a.m. We will have a movie theatre which won't stop me from going to the theatre
There's a ton of stuff that I probably won't partake in but it's nice. I took my daughter and the kids over on Easter Sunday to see if we could get in one of the units. As soon as my daughter walked in, she said "and the reason you have to think twice about moving here is....?"
OK, so Donna and I finish our double
..... and I wait because the other masseuse is in the middle of molding this man into her new sex toy.
Oh it looks like you had a great time...and I think Donna will make a fun neighbor too! It's time you got outa the compound...but I think we will miss those stories!
...and if that guy getting the Chinese massage- if he were a little lighter I would swear it was the Captain!
Happy Earth Day!!
First, my birthday was back in January. Will Grandma J. take me out to a restaurant when she comes for blog fest?
How exciting about the New Compound! This will make for lots and lots of good stories, although I sort of liked the old compound and the old stories and will miss it. Them.
Not that I live there or anything or have this serious blog addiction or anything.
well congrats on the new digs grandma j! are we invited to the house warming party?.... a bruised and battered massage doesn't sound to appealing! though the mexican meal for sure does!!!....
I am so excited about a new compound for you!!! that will provide about a year of blog fodder I am sure!
YOu are living an international life there....tex mex, then chinese massage...what, NO dead sea stuff to buy tonight???
Never had the massage at the mall...looks tempting though.
Congrats on your new digs! I didn't know you even made pie, much less rolled it out on the floor!
Free morning coffee and pastry!!!
Are you are moving to the Holiday Inn?
How exciting for you! All I can say is PICTURES, PICTURES AND MORE PICTURES. By the way, does PJB like his new room?
Hooray for the new place!! I am SO excited for you. Year-round heated pool - can I move in too?
Yeehaw! When is the party! Can Huey bartend?
Oh my gosh! I am so excited about your new place! Especially the sprinkler over the bed : ). So perfect!
Now, the massage at the mall. No, I have never been able to partake in that as I always have sweet Kaishon with me and you know his patience is about a fraction of a second! I do get weekly deep tissue therapy (which is a massage) at the chiropractors because of the car accident. Can you believe that?
Sometimes I think I am a movie star : )
What a fun day! The new place sounds great. And you won't have to worry about your over-intrusive neighbor anymore. I don't think I could handle a mall massage. I would want privacy - especially if it was like the one the man was getting!
Congratulations, Grandma J!! Sounds to me like you and Donna are on the cusp of the blog fodder motherload!!!!
I have never had one of those massages before but I am now on the hunt for one.
I am super excited for you and the new digs...I can not wait to see photos.
Is there a particular theme for your new kitchen? I demand an answer, please and thank you.
So you had a lil' "girl on girl" action at the mall???
Oh and remind not to eat pastry at your house!!!
The Keeper
I can't get it to post any other way.........
The Keeper
So you're moving? That's exciting!
That last picture is hysterical...I'm still laughing. I've not ever done the the massage thing and I think that last picture is why.
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