You know, a lot of hoopla is being made about that new signer, Susan Boyle. People seem quite surprised that someone with her looks can sing (which I think is insulting...) I also happen to think, that with some serious tweezing (or mowing) we might find she is a real beauty. I have the first set of fallen arches...and yes, it is painful. But even more painful? The eyebrows...this is so funny. Only you could think of such silliness!!!!
That poor girl with the drawn in eyebrows !George Lopez talked about it on a show of his !!
Grandma J,you will find this funny.My dog usually avoids walking thro plants till he discovers that I have planted a veggie garden and like clockwork he will do his business in and around that are hence rendering those vegetables useless for consumption!
Quick! Someone give those women some tweezers. Or wax. Something!!
The last one is a classic! You should'a had that one for letter "F."
XXOO from So Cal....send Ibuprofen :)
Funny Grandma!
You know, a lot of hoopla is being made about that new signer, Susan Boyle. People seem quite surprised that someone with her looks can sing (which I think is insulting...) I also happen to think, that with some serious tweezing (or mowing) we might find she is a real beauty.
Oh, that's tragic. All of them. Tragic, especially the last one. I hope YOU don't have fallen arches?
How do those cult girls get their hair to stay like that?
Funniest post I have read in a while!!! Really...what would I do without you? I have the first set of fallen arches...and yes, it is painful. But even more painful? The eyebrows...this is so funny. Only you could think of such silliness!!!!
Eyebrows, feet, and McDonalds... I never would have thought to put them together. Brilliant!
It seems like in that last picture ...........that guy took it in the rear from giant upside down boobs!!!!
The woman with the flowers in her hair is my neighbor. That's exactly how she looks at me when I walk my dog. Should I be scared?
Those eyebrows are terrifying....I may have nightmares...
I wondered where that was going...only you could think of things connected like that ...(actually you are a GENIUS!)
But what FIRST inspired you???
What a unique post...Bravo!
That poor girl with the drawn in eyebrows !George Lopez talked about it on a show of his !!
Grandma J,you will find this funny.My dog usually avoids walking thro plants till he discovers that I have planted a veggie garden and like clockwork he will do his business in and around that are hence rendering those vegetables useless for consumption!
well done grandma j!!.. everyone of those fallen arches looked "painfull" in some form or fashion!!!
Oh so funny! I need to pluck mine. Thanks for the reminder!
You never fail to crack me up! Have a great week!
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