Once upon a time, about a year ago, Grandma J took a large parcel to the local post office. There was a disgruntled patron named Tom. It seems Tom was unhappy with the service he was receiving twice a day....and he wanted everyone to know it. Do you remember?
When Jack, the postal clerk laughed at Tom, Tom got angry at Jack....but Jack just laughed some more. Then Tom made sure his protest sign was aimed directly at the surveillance camera ...that's when Grandma J took a picture. Remember?
OK, no need to rehash that whole incident, you can go back and read it here later because it has nothing to do with today's tale. What Grandma J really wanted to tell you today, is that she mailed the book, The MIDDLE PLACE to Noe Noe Girl...Tall Tales from a Short Chick. Yeah, that's what she wanted to tell you. Well, and there's more to the story. You knew that, yes, you did.
So, pulling into the parking lot was a surprisingly pleasant experience, because here in Texas,
Today, the place was like a morgue! Seriously, no one was there but me, Jack, and another postal clerk. This is rare folks, because usually there is a line out the door and just one postal clerk.
Jack is always

Now isn't that special? Who wudda thought?
Then Grandma J asked Jack to turn around so she could show you, all her blogger friends that he cut his three foot long ponytail off.
JJ was in the car the whole time staring in at Grandma J. She took him the long way home as an extra treat.
It's always a sad time driving away with JJ staring out the window. If you can't see JJ's sad face, click on the picture....see?
Oh yeah, and Noe Noe Girl, your book is on it's way.

Grandma J. should have a reality TV show and dispense advice on how to not only attract men but inspire them to tattoo your name on their arm.
i was gonna say grandma j did he let you take his picture because he wants (or thinks) you to have the hots for him?... he he!!... if it was me though i would've sent it ups! see what brown can do for you!
If there are more than 3 people in line at our Post Office, it is considered a 'rush'! They even bring out another clerk so we won't have to wait forever. Like, 3 minutes in 'forever'!
I see ED commented again. Maybe he likes you too. Suppose he has a tatoo with GrandmaJ on it?
I see you've been edded. Anyway, I hope Noe Noe enjoys it!
Thanks GJ! I think Jack is hawt!
Love that tattoo. Cant touch those Texas cowboys!
Now how do we get rid of Ed???
Someone has a crush on a certain postal employee.
You know someone really likes you when they get your name tattooed on their arm! That was funny!
Only you could make going to the post office something funny. :)
Glad he cut off his hair...the ponytail on men is so out...like WAY out. :)
Congrats on having some ink in your name...that JJ can really make you feel guilty can't he? He is good...he is really good.
I guess if Jack inked my name on his arm, I wouldn't mind going to the post office either ;)
Yesterday, I forgot to tell you how much I LOVED your Poofy Hair!!!
We need to know more about this Jack fellow. Have you had a chance to run his criminal history check? Does he like dogs & teddy bears? Will he play nice with others at the Compound? If you won't protect yourself, your blogger friends will just have to step in and do it for you. We can't have just ANY man tattooing Grandma J's name on his arm....!!!!!!!!
Grandma, how much more of that body has tattoo's??? LOL
You truly make me smile and I SO needed it today.
Jack is a good sport and never in a million years could imagine his picture on this blog.
He is way not my type..ever. He is funny and doesn't take any crap from complainers...so me asking to take his picture is probably a plus.
I wonder if he donated his hair to 'locks of love'?
He looks SO much better with the fresh new haircut. He doesn't really seem like your type, but clearly you are his type since he got a tat with your name on it. You are SO cool!
You sure do have a way of interacting with the craziest people.
Isn't this the same guy with the man boobs?
That guy looks like he has led quite a life!
Number 1 ...Jack has nice hair.
Number 2....Was that the monopoly guy tattooed on his arm???? Or have I had way too much beer tonight??
Sista #2!! Yes, that's the Monopoly guy on Jack's arm. I saw that too, but didn't want to take away from any other fancy tattoos...if you know what I mean.
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