A Tea Party in Texas
Grandma J isn't just a tea tottler, she loves a Tea Party. She also had no clue she was a finalist in the I Wanna Be a Big Hair Queen contest.

My good friend Ruth, who walked the six blocks each way to the park with me and JJ. Her husband is a retired Army Col.

There was a crowd of about six hundred....which is impressive for a small town named Belton, next door to Dog Ridge TX.
We sang songs.....like God Bless America.
Then we went home and had a grape icee...
I went to a much bigger Tea Party, but you always seem to have more fun at these things.
JJ is the girl magnet and Grandma J. is the man magnet.
good stuff grandma j! i hope you are hoasrse from protesting today!
Oh what fun! Good for you and JJ. We need more Grandmas and puppies just like you two!
I would say your transition to Texan is complete;) And now I am off to find a grape icee.
I didn't know protests were supposed to be fun.
And no violence!
Good for you GJ. and JJ too...he never misses the fun does he????
YOu have to have big hair...in TX isn't that the LAW???
Ruth has the best outfit EVER!!
Had to stop by and say hi, we visit a lot of the same blogs and today your comment to CBW totally made me LAUGH
By the way, not to rain on your tea party or parade BUT the original Tea Party was about 'taxation without representation' .. however the issues today were voted on and those who are now whining lost ... which is sort of bad form ... why werent all of them whining back when W and Co. put us in the economic toilet?
Sometimes I think I could not love you any more than I already do...and then I come and read things like this : ) and the love grows on! : ) Your friends outfit is WAY cool! And JJ looks delectable : ) like always.
Way to go, Grandma J! I wrote a post about the TEA Party and asked if anyone went... glad to see you did! Maybe WASHINGTON heard us!
P.S. Gotta be careful with that hair.... I hear poofy hair like that drives those FLDS men WILD!!! They may drag you kicking and screaming to some compound to be the 15th sister wife to some old prophet! ;-)
I love the picture of your dog. I'm sure SGT John got a kick out of the picture.
You are a true patriot.
Cheers!! :D
I think the big hair is a good look for you!
And you are the cutest GJ!
Grape Icee sound great!
fabulous pictures and write-up! Thanks!
What's a grape icee? (spoken like an LA girl, huh?!!)
GO GJ & JJ!!! We attended a Tea Party yesterday as well. I'll have the post up tomorrow:) Estimated attendance? 1,500 Actual attendance? 5,000.....in the 40 degree rain! YAY!!
I was doing a promo at our radio station yesterday (with my yummy chocolate mousse)....so missed the Tea Party...but was there in spirit.
I dont mind paying my share, but I DO MIND paying for illegal aliens....we can no longer afford the free handouts, especially when in includes paying for their meals in jail.
Let's cut back....and throw out the power hungry taxers!
Yea Grandma J!!! So glad you attended :) We attended one too! LOVED it even if it was cold. It is very disappointing so many people don't understand what they were really all about :( It was great to see so much participation!
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