Maggie Moos is giving away free ice cream cones.....we don't have a Maggie Moos, but I've been to one in CA and they have great ice cream. If you have one, stop by for your free scoop.

Cinnabon is giving away Cinnabites today! YUMMMM!
McDonald's gave me this coupon for a free chicken biscuit or sandwich with the purchase of a beverage. I checked online, and some locations are giving free Big Macs. Check your local McD's.

Subway restaurants want to give everyone who walks into a Subway on tax day a free cookie. Regular flavors include chocolate chip, chocolate chip M&M, oatmeal raisin, white chocolate macadamia and double chocolate chip.
Happy Tax Day

Grandma J. knows where all the bargains are. Is anyone giving away free champagne today?
Happy Tax Day. I'm off now to earn some more dollars, just one or two.
The giving never ends with you. Thanks!!!
What, no free gas? Oh, that comes with the Micky D's.
thanks for the FREE advice grandma j!
I think my meno-pot and I should stay in today;)
What's the government giving away???
After seeing just how much I've underwritten the government last year, I do believe I will stay home and pout.
You are the Freebie Queen!
And I'm getting a free book!
Thanks-I think I'll go get a cookie today.
And we can wash it all down with a cup of tea!
With the taxes I pay, and the new increase in sales tax, DMV tax, and soon to be energy tax (higher electric bill) I was hoping the government would spring for lunch.
Instead I will go to a free tea party.
Maggie Moo's is in Temple.. LOL
2112 SW H K Dodgen Loop
Temple, TX 76504
Thanks for the freebie..
Well, I am staying in today and far, far away from most of these places.
Now if Carabba's was having a give a way, I would walk a mile for their menu!
Ummm... COOKIE!!! Yum, Yum, Yum!
I've got a touch of the Cookie Monster in me.
WOW! There really ARE freebies out there!!
I'll stop by Subway & pick up my free cookie....on my way to the Richmond Tea Party!!! WOOT!
No free cookies at my Subway today :( And I really don't like arguing with someone that can't speak english! the conversation just goes nowhere!!!
Sue, thank you for the Maggie Moo location in Temple!
Jen, Oh, I'm so sorry about the cookie issues at Subway. I'm not surprised...I never get good service at my subway even when I'm paying. I think I will print out their on-line ad and bring it in just to be a squeaky wheel. :)
Look at you Miss Giver : ). I will try to get at least one free thing today!
Just got back from a fabulous tea party near your old stomping grounds, Grandma J -- beautiful Seal Beach. What a wonderful, truly American way to spend tax day this year!
Karen B.
I sent subway an e-mai. I haven't heard back yet...or at all. ?
I just love me some cookies.
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