We Have A Winner!
You know the one thing Grandma J hates about this book giveaway, is not being able to send everyone the book. The MIDDLE PLACE is an amazing story. It's my kind of story, about a real person with a real family, living a real life. Not necessarily the life she would have planned, but one she wouldn't trade.
I used a random number generator because it's really the only fair way of picking just one person out of the eighteen that entered.

Noe Noe Girl, please email me: jannieret@hotmail.com , so I can get your address and send the book on it's merry way. I hope you decide to move it along and share it after you read it. It's that kind of powerful story.
Thanks to everyone who left a comment requesting the book next. Hopefully you will get the opportunity to read this book one day.
Thanks to everyone who left a comment requesting the book next. Hopefully you will get the opportunity to read this book one day.

Well, phooey! Maybe next time!
Squee! I hope she enjoys it as much as we did!
Hooray for NNG!!
Congratulations Noe Noe Girl.
Oh my gosh! I am so excited for her. She is a sweetie like no other!
PS I think you are VERY strong! That is the first thing I noticed about you when I met you so many months ago (via the internet)... Your BIG HUGE MUSCLES and your heart of gold!
I Demand a re-count. I mean, I demand a re-random number thingy.
congrats to noe noe girl the happy weinner!...... no second place i tried book huh grandma j?...
WoooHooo! Lucky me! My address is on the way GJ and I PROMISE to pass this book on!
janet said...
Noe Noe Girl - pass the book on to me, please! And I'll pass it to another commenter who entered the contest.
Congrats, NNG!!! When you're done reading it, would you kindly pass it on to me?? I'll pick it up at church next Sunday.....heehee!!
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