A Friday Evening Happening
Grandma J had the pleasure of chauffeuring her granddaughter to her "hands on" driving class early Friday evening. When I arrived at my daughter's house, JJ was like so ready for some excitement. Yes, even though it's way out of my way to bring him all the way back home, and yes even though these junkets increase the size of Grandma J's carbon footprint, I love our mini road trips.
I pass several cattle ranches on my way to just about everywhere I go around here.....I don't pay much mind to them. Most are big black cows or Texas Longhorns. Once in a while I see ducks and geese lolly gagging amongst the cattle. That's a picture I hope to capture one day.
This evening, I approached this ranch with a weathered barn and two cows.....and decided to stop. The road is just a two lane FM route, so I pulled off onto the wide shoulder. Right away JJ leaped to the passenger window....and at the same time, the two cows took notice of Grandma J's car with a wild and crazy dog growling and shaking like a leaf. Grandma J told JJ they were big girl doggies..... The rest is in pictures. And don't you just love the way Grandma J jumps from first person to third person in the same paragraph?
That is just too cute...I probably would have wimpered too.
It's OK JJ. We all have our wimpering moments!
What a funny video. I may have to steal it to put on my blog, but I haven't taken any road trips to see cows...oh, wait, we have cows all around us!
Have you noticed your loyal following get up awfully early to read your wonderful blog?
You're so fortunate to have JJ to accompany moo.
Love the cows.
Did PJB go too? Have you asked him if he wants to take a trip East for a spring getaway?
OMG this is the cutest story ever! Your posts are the best!
Such cute interaction w/ JJ and the big DOGGIES!!! :)
I think they are cute too.....Love that song. I did not know Cow's could sing?????
I think those are bulls. At least I don't see any udders.
I wouldn't get cocky and get out of the car to pet them.
That is hilarious!
Now I'm gonna have that song stuck inside my head for the rest of the day! I am cow, hear me moo! Haha!
What kind of dog is that? I just love little dogs.
I think JJ wants to live with Grandma J.
I think your daughter should watch you to make sure you don't make off for good with darling JJ.
The cows voices were beautiful but they sure sounded more like bulls to me!
I need to memorize the words to that song. I am a cow for real...
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