I won this book, The MIDDLE PLACE, for being the
The MIDDLE PLACE is a memoir, and so far I'm having a hard time putting it down. I've already read the first 56 pages, and figured I had better get this post done before I start chapter nine. I'm so glad Mental P. Mama chose to share this wonderful book. So, here's the deal......when I finish this book on Tuesday, I want to have a drawing to find out who I'm sending this book to next. That's right...I want to share it again. Just leave me a comment between now and Tuesday at noon PDT and I will enter you in the drawing. I will announce the winner Tuesday around 4 PM PDT.
*I used to do this with my books that I shared. I'd ask that everyone sign and date the inside cover page before passing it on.
I love the sign and date idea and then pass it on!!! You are really cute and adorable...really you are...I am not just kissing up...but
I would like to POINT OUT...that it was MY suggestion that she give the book away since she was pimping it on her blog and telling us how great it was....SO
Maybe I should be next...or at least, get it at SOME point!!! LOL
Enjoy the did deserve it.
Well, I'd like to be in on the drawing. I'd read it and pass it on through my blog, but I'd better get more than 2 or 3 people reading it. I think more people read it, but they don't linger long enough to say anything. Guess it isn't as cute as yours, Grandma J!
What a fantastic idea!! You know that is the green way to do things...not buying a new book, but sharing books already read.
I love putting your name and date in the front are BRILLIANT. Put me in the drawing...I need a book to read!!!!
...that would mean I would have to actually read the book more than in silent reading in class on Tuesdays in order to pass it on. I guess it is worth a try- count me in the drawing!
OK. Send it to Living on the Spit and then she can send it to me since we live reasonably close to each other, and then I can pass it to Big Hair Envy and so on and so on.
But don't send it until Phillip Johnny Bob has read it and given his review.
Umm I love books and especially sign me up grandma!!! i'm personally waiting on vince's memoir but until then, this will do.
...And I forgot to say, yes, I still have the license plates...another fact....I have a LOT of plates :)
what a cool idea! count me in.
Happy Easter Grandma J!
Hey wait! What about me? I can read too you know! Plus I'm the oldest.
And did I say I think you are cute!
You sure are!
FUN! I want to win the book next and get a card from Grandma J!!! Have a happy Easter!
I would love a chance to read this book and would be very happy to pass it on when I am done.
Postcard Cindy
Love the idea of signing it and dating it and passing it along.
I share books but then they disapear forever and nobody knows where they came from.
Please sign me up Grandma J !
I need something to do when I sit in the swing on the front porch!
Thanks :)
Hi, Grandma J! How nice of you to have a contest for everyone.
You're blog is a hoot, by the way. (and I'm not just saying that to win contest points ;) )
You are so clever! Please sign me up. I just love a good book. Oh my gosh! I finished a great one today. Not a biography though, so it wouldn't be your cup of tea... Yummy Mummy. A little trashy. Since I am always so good, I like my books to be a little bit bad. Yep. That's true : ). Just call me trashy Rebeckah!
Love this idea! I think i'm going to do it next! ADORABLE idea. I'd love to do it with some of my favs, and eventually have it sent back to me, with everyones little notes in it! Put me in the running, and i'll be sure to keep the tradition running!
I could be considered cute and nice if we stretched the truth a bit. Does that give me extra entry points? ;-)
janet said...
Asking Grandma J again: Will you please send ME the book? I knew you would. Thanks!
Sure Grandma, please sign me up too! I'll send you my address when I win!hehe.
Okay. How did I mis this post? Oh, I remember, that was the day there were shiny things all around. And sparkly. I am glad you enjoyed it, and I cannot wait until July!!
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