The letter P for pizza because Grandma J spent the night in her safe place.... under tornado warnings, and ended up sleeping in. Really, that's not too important except for the fact that her BBF in Florida took every single P word she could get her hands on except ......

Brought to you by A to Z Mondays. Come join us!

If I had to endure what you did, my P word would've been "petrified"! YIKES!!
Mine would have been pee pee in my pants;) Glad you're safe!
Pizza is one of my most favorite things!!
Glad you are safe!!
You know what they say about the early bird and the worm. Besides, you would have used pizza or popcorn anyway.
So glad you are ok....well to make matters worse I MEANT to add pizza (with veggies) To my are going to have to get up earlier!!!
Take care-Stay safe!!!
This one cracked me up. Ha! Great post. Glad you're ok!
Priceless. That's all I have to say about the self-portrait and that chef's hat. What's that on the sole of your right shoe?
Grandma J! I read your comment on Dlisted. Shouldn't you be taking JJ for a ride and not looking at that icky picture! haha
LOL! Who doesn't like pizza-I love how it disappears so quickly! (that motion picture is awesome!)
HaPPy Monday Grandma J.
Glad you are safe!
I loves me some pizza.
Now I'm hungry.
Glad you made it through the tornado warnings.
Pizza, yummy, don't get me started..
Yeah, Pizza Pie! Pepperoni! Peppers!
(hold the anchovies) least you didn't resort to the letter "O" again like I did! I LOVE pizza....with green and red peppers, mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, hot sausage and pineapple...but no one else likes it and it costs a lot more because it's a "specialty pizza" so I usually settle for a veggie pizza.
Happy Monday Night!
...I have been forgetting things long before I turned "old!" I think kids did it to me...that's what I blame it on...not age :)
Your graphics are very good. We like Pizza here too. Yum yum.
As far as your weather sidebar: I voted "other"---I would hate to be stuck in the Arizona desert in blazing heat with no shelter or drink. Scarey.
Oh, Pizza is a good one. I love pizza!
Tornado warnings? I hadn't heard about that. Glad all is well.
Thanksk for the well wishes on the tornado warning. I don't think I'll ever get used to it.
CBW...thats probably bull sh&* on my shoe..after all I was out in the pasture Sunday.
Hollywood....I would kill to know what name you use on dlisted...don't lie, I know you have one! I better not find out you have a blog and your holding out on me...I'll find out!!
M...I can make those comments because I'm older than you...way older!
Wordsmith, welcome back.
Cassie...I really missed the boat on killer heat of the desert. I had a very bad incident once in the Mohave Desert in the middle of the day in August. My friend and I were dropping off some stuff for her son at his vacation home in Golden Shores...a remote community not far from Needles. He wasn't staying there at the time. Well, I left the car running so it would stay cool inside while we unloaded the trunk....yep, out of habit I hit the lock button as I shut the door! We were locked out of the car (with the engine running) at a remote trailer in the middle of the desert. There was no electricity on in the house, so it was just as hot, and nothing to drink. I finally smashed a window on the car, which means we had no air conditioning the rest of the way to our destination. But..I've also been caught in flash flooding in the AZ desert!
i am glad you made it safely thru the storms grandma j, now all you have to do is avoid the swine flu!!...p.s. i loooove the smell of a pizza parlor!
Pizza is a perfect P.
Can I please be your BFF in Pa. Pretty please? With a cherry on top?
I am hollywood everywhere I go. I never comment on there & rarely look at the comments; but I just had to see what was said about that picture. I laughed out loud for real when I saw your name. I did send some great chola eyebrow picture in once---
You inspired us, so Coop and I had a pizza party the other night. (Really just us eating pizza for dinner, but he's two, so he doesn't know any different. =)
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