So maybe Martin's M is for Murder Birds.....maybe not.
Unrelated important update!
So many of you were all worried and concerned about Grandma J's swollen feet from her ultra spa pedicure Saturday.
You were right, the photo does raise the question, does grandma J's feet always blow up like a balloon? Is she drinking and all the gin settles in her big toe? Could it be those feet have been subjected to botox?
The answer to all of the above is NO. Here's what happened. You see, Grandma J's granddaughter had a driver's ed. class at four in the afternoon on Saturday. So we rushed back sixty miles from the baseball tournament, and since we had an hour to spare, we stepped next door to our favorite nail salon. That's right, the driving school is in the same strip mall with our nail salon. SAAAAA.WEEEEET!! Now, it's 3 p.m. on a Saturday! Michelle #4 is very popular and Grandma J had to wait over an hour! No problem because she had two hours to kill...and, Tony, who happens to be Michelle's boss, and who happens to have a huge crush on Grandma J'swallet feet, and the feet of all her relatives, let Grandma J sit in a spa chair to soak her calloused feet for an hour while she waited. I just won for having the longest run on sentence in blog history! That, and the hot towel, and hot stone treatment added to the visual.
Well rest easy....here is a picture taken the next day. Not the prettiest feet, with all the different sandal and flip flop tan lines......but not swollen and red like the day before. I know you all are breathing a big sigh of relief!
Brought to you by A - Z Monday. Come join us!
The answer to all of the above is NO. Here's what happened. You see, Grandma J's granddaughter had a driver's ed. class at four in the afternoon on Saturday. So we rushed back sixty miles from the baseball tournament, and since we had an hour to spare, we stepped next door to our favorite nail salon. That's right, the driving school is in the same strip mall with our nail salon. SAAAAA.WEEEEET!! Now, it's 3 p.m. on a Saturday! Michelle #4 is very popular and Grandma J had to wait over an hour! No problem because she had two hours to kill...and, Tony, who happens to be Michelle's boss, and who happens to have a huge crush on Grandma J's

Brought to you by A - Z Monday. Come join us!

Maybe M is for Meat-eating vultures??
Your feet look MMMarvelous.
Most Messiest Birds ever!
Your tooties are magnificent.
Vultures kill animals!? Scary!
The vultures freak me out...scary birds. I best warn the dogs to hide from them outside!!!
So glad your feet are better. i was not going to say anything....I figured someone with your DNA would question you. ;) That is what daughters do. right? One hour in the massage chair? were you snoring????
doesn't any bird in the "open" in texas mean he is a dead bird. because i am sure a some hunter will find it, yes grandma j?
Pat, the black vulture is a "protected species" in Texas. That's not to say most Texans don't own guns and take the law into their own hands.
Since I'm a transplant from CA, I don't own one. But I do defend the rights to own one. But I also wouldn't report anyone from blasting those birds to kingdom come.
Mmmmmmm.Yup thems birds!
About your swelled up footsies. That swelling was a bit strange, even under the circumstances.I will suggest that you get your blood tested (creatinine, creatinine clearance and BUN) for kidney problems. Just a suggestion from a concerned fellow blogger.
Cassie, thank you for the concern, my feet are fine, I get blood tests every sixty days because of a thyroid imbalance, and because I'm a regular blood donor. My kidneys are fine.
I see my doctor next week and I'm printing out the pictures of my feet and all the concerned comments for her because I hate it when you bloggers start worrying about me....it's gonna drive me to drink. I don't think taking up booze at my age would be pretty.
mmmmm those birds seem a bit scary - the actually would eat a baby cow??
Beautiful feet btw!!!
Grandma J. - don't be so quick to rule out the medicinal qualities of a nice glass of wine, but on the other hand don't do anything that would jeopardize your imbalance. The hormone imbalance, of course.
I continue to be impressed by your list of male acquaintances...what does this Tony look like?
Those MIRDS can be dangerous and probably carry a killer virus. I'd rather be bitten by a snake than one of those vultures
Your feet are dancing fools.
Scary looking birds...we don't have those in VA, rest assured...just lots of crappy seagulls...that really say...Mine.mine.mine.mine...mine.
I am glad your feet are fine. I have been so worried, I started to drink...and I don't drink.
Thanks for clearing the foot thing up.
Nice M; But I hope I don't find one of those M birds at my feeder!
Those Black Vultures are creepy.
Glad your feet are ok, just keep them away from the birds!
check me out on You Tube
Wow, one minute I'm readin' about killer death vultures from Lone Star, next thing I know someone's bloated feet appear on the screen! Quit stompin' on them vultures and your dogs'll be just fine!
hey, I cant figure out how to get the video embedded on the side. I have tried...and I used their "video roll" and I cant get the right video to show up. Do you know how to do it?
Thank a bunch for helping me figure it out,
IM SORRY!! Im Sorry I brought up your feet and caused all the upset.....no more scolding me about bringing up your feet, ok?????
GRANDMA J! I've been a lurky loo on your blog for A LONG TIME. If I had ANY idea what would make you come out of the woodwork on mine, I'd have been talking about elephants A LONG time ago!
You are AMAZING and I am so honored that you stopped by. I hope you do again soon.
...well birds are decendents of the dinosaurs...perhaps that's why they are so carnivourus!
I like the designs on your big toes...I can never sit still long enough to get mine done!
See what I missed by not coming. I didn't even know there was a foot problem to be concerned about! Your feet are fine! Just perfect! I am glad Tony loves them.
Don't you just LOVE those chairs in the pedicure places. I want one for our house. Do you think that would be a wise investment? I would like to sit in one every single day : ).
Your "M" is so funny! Murder Birds! Ha ha ha!
I think someone else did birds as well....or am I thinking of Jen's hummingbird photos??? Weird.
Love your feet!
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