Saturday Fun
Grandma J loves nothing better than sleeping in rising at the crack of dawn to caravan down the highway for a baseball tournament.
And no, Grandma J did not notice, nor will she comment on that man's "Mr. Noodle."
And because Grandma J is nothing if not kind and generous, she treated herself to her second pedicure in less days than she has toes.
Speaking of toes....OK, so no one was speaking of toes, but lets pretend we were....which leads Grandma J to this question. Does everyone anyone have hairy toes?
And, because she loves Michelle #4, she got the deluxe pedi with the leg mask and hot rock treatment. Michelle is a pro at getting blood out of a turnip.
You always find a way to crack me up...I did not notice "mr. noodle" until you POINTED IT OUT. Apparently it was not as cold as you described....
we have ONE official scorekeeper for our team, then we have TWO paranoid mothers that also keep score...that way they can adjust their kid's batting average to make themselves feel better and have an argument with the COACH. :0 I am just saying....
Love the pedi. I got one yesterday...but it was a while since I paid someone to do it.
I think EVERYONE has some hair on their toes. Mine is shiny and soft. I use a toe-hair conditioner. :) Kidding.
Can't believe you noticed Mr. Noodle and I didn't! I shave my toes whenever I shave my legs - ok so that doesn't happen often either.
Why does my sister look so tan?? She lives in TX, where it apparently is cold, windy with some rain....and she looks like she just came off a cruise ship from Hawaii....or whereever it is that Bob Barker spends his time.
As for just gonna ask, because Im worried...are your feet starting to swell? You have always had such tiny feet, so, just wondering.
As for that creepy guy...staring at a bunch of young boys on a baseball field, and well, that is creepy.
Haha...creepy guy with a Mr Noddle...cracking me up.
What's wrong with swollen feet swell sometimes...especially in hot weather.
No hairy toes here.
Nice tootsies. And no comment on the noodle. ;)
It's a wonder Mr noodle didn't pock your eye out !!
I have hairy toes,,,,I shave them
My eyes went right to Mr Noodle and I shivered and threw up! Too funny!
Hairy toes yes- but I shave em in the sandle months.
All this talk about swelling and hair and Mr. Noodle has me speechless, except for this: How come I never heard it called Mr. Noodle before now? And one other thing, in his case, I'm not sure that's a noodle. IF it is, it must not have been boiled yet.
Why do your feet look swollen? Too much libation or not enough moving around? Be careful of that!
You guys are all bundled up as if it was freezing...Wishing you warmer weather...
That town name, Dog Ridge, sounds like a great name for a cowboy movie. I could imagine Clint Eastwood and some bad guy shooting it out at high noon at a place named "Dog Ridge". :-)
Shave the toes here.....
And that Mr Noodle could have poked yer eye out@@!!@@@!!
HA HA HA HA HA! You do realize that I couldn't pay attention to the rest of the post once you mentioned that man's Mr. Noodle. But I must insist that you don't call it Mr. Noodle because that is the name of the creepy guy on Elmo's World.
I didn't know women had to shave their toes right along with their legs.
Yeah, my toes are pretty darn hairy. But the manscaper keeps 'em under control.
great post grandma j! i for one love the "excitment" of weekend tourneys! and i miss the chance of going!!.. p.s. i didn't know it got cold in texas!.. he he!
OK, I've got to know how you came up with the name Mr. Noodle. That is just too funny! Not only that, it is kinda creepy Mr. Noodle was also watching the game so to speak. Ewwwww! As far as the toes go, I shave mine as well.
Mr. Noodle : EWWWW!
My toes: shaved.
Ahem. You need to email're a winner!
Wow. Ummmmmmmmmm.
Your daughter does look EXTREMELY tan. What in the world?
I shave my toes too : ). I am so hairy. Sometimes I think I am a boy.
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