Sometimes Grandma J likes to go visit JJ and just hang out in the back yard. They play some of JJ's favorite dog type games like tease the dog next door fetch, and cut Grandma J off, trip her, and see if you can make her fall.
Once in a while, like just about every visit...Grandma J brings JJ a new toy. This time she brought him a new stuffed monkey because they were marked down to $1 at Walgreen's.
This is the first stuffed toy she ever bought JJ and he ignores it....because stuffed toys are not for warrior dogs like JJ.

So, the stuffed monkey decides to play with one of JJ's favorite toys called "tire with a jingle bell inside.
Once in a while, like just about every visit...Grandma J brings JJ a new toy. This time she brought him a new stuffed monkey because they were marked down to $1 at Walgreen's.
This is the first stuffed toy she ever bought JJ and he ignores it....because stuffed toys are not for warrior dogs like JJ.
So, the stuffed monkey decides to play with one of JJ's favorite toys called "tire with a jingle bell inside.
And the monkey has a blast....especially if Grandma J gives the monkey all of her attention like shaking the "tire with a jingle bell inside".
JJ won't have any of that. He grabs the monkey and shakes it, and shakes it again.
He shakes the
Lessons were learned, and a memorial is scheduled for the monkey.

My girl Holly shakes the stuffing and the noise maker out of every stuffed toy she can. She also never met a toy she didn't think belonged to her.
They last that long in our house too. Poor monkey.
Yes, poor monkey. Looks like the day had a hay-day!! Tomorrow's Friday!! Take care ~Natalie
My Chihuahuas are great at disemboweling stuffed anything.
Hope you are feeling better today!
I don't know what lessons were learned, but I sure got a good laugh -- thanks, Grandma J!
Poor monkey!! That JJ is a BEAST!
Hope you're on the mend. It made me sad to see you so green:(
You must be feeling better!'s almost Friday!
i'm with everyone else here grandma j, our dog ain't never met a squeeky toy she didn't like!! p.s. does jj react to j bear the same way?
If I saw a stuffed monkey.. sitting in my yard.. holding a tire that jingled.. in between its legs...? I'd rip it to shreds too. Or run screaming into the night.
Go, JJ!
Sounds like you are feeling better!!
Oh, I love the shaking! Koho has 3-4 toys that are just the "shell". She shakes them so hard that the stuffing falls out, but she still loves them empty. They shake a whole lot more that way.
Poor monkey. It takes Dora about 20 seconds to demolish stuffed toys. The following day's stomach clearing is none-too-pretty!
Haha! That JJ is a BEAST!
That stuffed Monkey wouldn't have lasted long at our house either! Although Roscoe has a stuffed bone that he loves and won't rip up. We just have to keep it away from Tank!
I guess JJ knows what he likes huh. Great post as usual! Love coming here, it always starts my day off with a giggle.
I found an unstuffed mouse in my sunroom yesterday! That cat of mine has turned into a JJ! Hope you are on the mend!
Oh, those tenacious terriers! Nothing is safe!
Cute pictures.
I just started using my phone for the internet so I was able to read this post yesterday but I couldn't comment for the life of me. I think I tried at least 17 times to leave you a comment. And after that I just thought I would give up and hope you would know that I did read it and I did think JJ beat the stuffing out of the toy. Do you think JJ is going to like the new house at the Spa?
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