.....with an elephant sitting on your chest, and daggers in your eyes.

Take Three Of These ..........

...or drink this
If you can find it in here.
Because, Grandma J figured it was safe to pack up her meds, and most bathroom stuff...especially in the middle of May.
And, just in case there were any naysayers who thought Grandma J would ever give a passing thought to fake being sick.........

Is this green enough around the gills?
Thank you, my blogger friends for all the good wishes....what would I do without you?

No, you still look too gorgeous to be sick.
Green just isn't your color. Feel better.
Why do you pack up your meds?
Hope you are feeling better. If you aren't, high tail it to a doctor because some of these things can do a number on you.
you look healthy as a long horn to me!!... he he... take two of whatever of those and call me in the morning!!.. i am full of it today!!... movin' must of taken a lot out of ya!!...
AWWWWWW, I sincerely hope you are feeling better today. Being sick in warm weather is always a bummer. You take care.
I'm with Pat Jenkins. You look pretty healthy.
I don't know what you mean about green around the gills. Your whole world looks green.
....I was hoping hangover cuz you'd be feeling better by now! Wishing you well from CA!
Hoping you are your way down from the sickies...take care, suz
If you had not packed up all that stuff you would not have need it! Damn cooties! Dont let that stuff linger too long.
Poor Grandma J! Feel better!
You look good! Even in green! XO
Crawl in the bed. Turn on a movie (or a soap if you're bad like me:P) Feel better!
Oh my, that does like greenish stuff about the gills. I'm sorry to read you're not feeling well. Hope by the time you're reading my comment you'll be coming around the bend and perking up! Thinking healthy thoughts for you!
Feel Better sooon!!!!
I hope you are feeling better! Last time I was sick, I found Sambucol to be a little miracle. I haven't been sick again, so I can't verify yet if it was coincidence or not, but I have never recovered that fast!!
I hope you're feeling better today. Green is my favorite color, buy not on you.
Hey, you have an award waiting for you at my site. Go pick it up, you deserve it!
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