The Letter Q
Today is A to Z Monday, and the first word that came to Grandma J's mind was in "Ask Grandma J". I know, don't say it....I'm so dang witty and clever.
But to be honest...that would be so easy, and then you know, there would be a whole plethora of questions to answer. And really, what is there about Grandma J that you would want to know that she hasn't already told you? Ummm, don't ask because the Q letter is for .......

Q-TIPS! And I picked Q-Tips because they are so interesting and versatile. For instance, are you the crafty type?
Well, then grab your glue gun and construction paper....oh yeah, and your Q-Tips.

Can this selection be any more adorable? They just make me want to grab them and throw them while I yell, Go get um JJ!

And then there is always the health warning, isn't' there? Two inches? For real?
Two inches, really? I thought you put it in until it came out the other ear.
Shoot, when I can my ears you can see straight through. HA HA!
I love Q-Tips. I definitely go deep in there for a good cleaning! But I only like the paper kind not the plastic ones.
Two inches?! I would think you'd hit brain matter at that point.
So cute.
I wish I had seen that warning at the end when I was little..yes, I stuck a qtip in so far I drew blood. Have not been the same since.
So Qute! You are so Qlever! And Qrazy!
grandma j i am glad you put that warning up there cause i am always scared i am going to shove these things thru my brain when i use them!!! granted my brain isn't filled with much but still.....
When we were kids, we didn't always have q-tips around. We would improvise, and use a thin, rounded bobby pin. It's a wonder there were no ER visits as a result.
Note to Self: Check bobby pin packaging for appropriate warning...Not for use in ears.
I can picture a whole lot of blown ear drums. My doctor always said, "nothing smaller than your elbow should go in your ear".
Q-Tips!! QREAT! I mean great! I never saw living Q-Tips. The Q-Tip is so much better than it's generic brother, the cotton swab.
I always wondered if it was really such a good idea to shove those things in there and root around. But they do make some good crafts, as you pointed out!
Lovely stuff and you are veryc lever indeed.
I always wondered how far to shove them in... and now I know : ). Yippee! Yay for health warnings. Great job on letter Q. You are brilliant. As always : ).
Yikes! 2"? They aren't even supposed to go in at all because it shoves wax in...but the Bobby Pin comment reminded me of my first year in kindergarten when a boy pushed a popcorn kernal in his ear...and when I sent him to the office he told the secretary that someone threw it across the room and it went in his ear. That night his grandma got it out with a Bobby pin!
Happy Monday!
Not that anyone really wants to know this but I use them to clean out my nose. They work so well for that!
how funny! i love those crafts :) and thank you for the warning!
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