Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Name That Tune  Bloom

Thank you all for your input on my mystery weed flower....which turns out to be a weed afterall.   While it really is a weed, and an invasive one that's hard to get rid of....according to many of you, it is a distant relative of the Morning glory.   If there were a prize to be given out, it would go to Jen who sent me a link with pictures of all five zillion weedy wildflowers in Texas. 

This is the photo that won...the flowering weed is Purple Bindweed.

As you know, there aren't too many old farts  tennants living here at the Spa yet.   So when Grandma J goes walking down through the far end of the  property....she sees a bunch of weeds and other wild stuff growing all over the place.   It is like a ghost town down there except the ghosts haven't found it yet. 

It's not just a matter of vacancies....it seems construction pulled out with most of these buildings unfinished on the inside.   Money problems?   Who knows, but the landscaping isn't in and anything growing isn't something that was intentional by design.

There is this flowering stuff growing like crazy across concrete walkways and driveways.    I think it's kind of pretty...and of course it's very drought resistant since we don't get rain around here

Thel blossoms are a nice shade of purple, or would that be lavender.  If there is a fragrance, I wouldn't know because I don't get close enough to smell them.   If this is a poisonous flowering vine, I don't want to find out the hard way.

I have looked high and low for some answers.  High being glancing towards the heavens for a divine answer, and low....well, low would be the anals of the internet.  I've searched the following: Texas flowering vines,  wild Texas flowering vines, poisonous Texas vines,  pretty Texas weeds.   I've scrutinized the bazillion photos that pop up but nothing looks like this vine of mine.    I made that part up because it rhymned.

My question is this.  What you ask?  You didn't know there was a question?   Yea, there is.  So, who amonst the three of you can tell me what this is?  Can I touch it, will it make me sick?  Should I take some home and plant it in a pot? Maybe chop it up to put in my soup?  Who knows?


Unknown said...

I know next to NOTHING about plants. This does look pretty though. And if you plant some it will make you feel more zen like since lavender is such a zen color : ) I think. I know next to nothing about zen also. Now, if you have a question about truant students, then I could knock your socks off with my knowledge : ) Or not!

Tins and Treasures said...

In South Dakota we call that Creeping Jenny. I don't know if that would be an official name, but once it starts...it can choke out all your precious plants.
(OK... I know very little about plants...but my husband can identify nearly any flower or bush. He is the plant man around here. However, He happens to be sleeping but I can verify this later...)
Take care ~Natalie

Pat Jenkins said...

its what we like to call in ohio a WEED!!... he he...

Busy Bee Suz said...

This is a very rare flowering/creeping plant that was carried over from some Nigerians on a boat a billion years ago. So rare that no one even knows the name of it.
Ok. really. I have not a clue. Pretty though.

Anonymous said...

It looks like field bindweed and, will, like Tens and Treasures said, "choke out all your precious plants".

Daryl said...

the leaves look like a cross between morning glory and sweet potato vine .. both have a heart shape but sweet potato is a much paler green ... they are pretty and I am betting they are not a weed but a flowering vine that got started from seed/spore like Queen Anne's Lace

Karen Deborah said...

Well, gee.. you got me stumped. Anything that can grow on concrete scares me as a potential invasive plant. Living out here where vines become evil things, ever heard of kudzu? I don't think I would bring it home. Play it safe and admire it from afar.
The flowers are pretty a lot like an althea/ Rose of Sharon which would probably grow in Texas they are pretty drought tolerant.

Caution/Lisa said...

I have no idea, BUT I do know that I want to be like it: pretty, shapely, and tough.

Deb said...

hmmm...morning glory? not sure you can actully eat it, but it would look lovely as a garnish on a salad!

Unknown said...

I concur with the Creeping Jenny...it is beautiful though.

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

I'm gonna call it Texas Takeover cause that stuff looks like it will take right on over!

big hair envy said...

I wish VDOT would plant THAT on steep slopes instead of Kudzu....your weed is MUCH prettier!! I don't have a clue what it's called. Then again, I don't have a clue about much of anything these days:/ GAH!

Dawn said...

i think skip the soup... and enjoy the view! they really are pretty :)

Jen said...

Purple Bindweed

BTW I never did like the name 'creeping Jenny" ha.

Jen said...

with this website you can be smarter than a 5th grader too. :)


Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

My vote is morning glory. If it isn't morning glory it is a close cousin. We have it here, and the flowers are all different colors. No matter what it is, you can definitely touch it. I know these things.

Pumpkin Delight (Kimberly) said...

They are beautiful, even if they are weeds. I'd take those weeds any day. Maybe I'd be able to grow that kind of flower.

Pat Jenkins said...

you are right grandma j, at least it is a pretty weed!!

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Whew! Mystery solved!

Jen said...

Yay! :D