...the edible edition
Brought to you by the letter J for JELL-O. And, don't you just know, there's always room for JELL-O.
Grandma J wants to talk to you about vintage JELL-O. Ok, this isn’t exactly Vintage JELL-O! Because vintage is something she knows all about first hand, and wants to share with you.
Let's get started....
JELL-O was instrumental in spreading gossip across party lines in 1933. Big Brother had nothing on Cora Manning.
And, of course JELL-O was the hit at all college dorms in 1934. Even today, JELLO is a college staple.....
picture of five zillion jello shots goes here
Fast forward to the dorm refrigerator, 2010......That's right, you can thank great grandma for JELL-O shots.
Of course there was nothing like JELL-O to help with the family budget. No stimulus or bailouts needed in the '30. Of course the Great Depression was in full swing, and that meant Grandma J's grandmother was serving up blue potatoes. You've never heard of blue potatoes? Someday Grandma J will share that story if she hasn't already.
In the 50's Jello was a favorite at Jack's birthday party......poor Jack.
Yeah, the era had no flies on the JELL-O creative art department.......eating JELL-O could make you wish you were a whale.......
......or a psychedelic zebra........
Have you ever, in your wildest days, wanted to be a Yak?
Is it any wonder why these JELL-O for Salad packs never really became a big hit?
Now you can go make yourself some jello, or you can read the history of JELL-O at Wiki.
Now, mosey on over to Jen's blog, Unglazed and check out a plethora of J foods. And if you are still in your jammies, then you may as well stay put and join us at A to Z Mondays. I'll even help you.....tell us what you know about JuJu B's, and if Grandma J spelled that wrong then you can always mention that in your post.
If you can't see the pictures, it's because they were just little X's and Grandma J removed them, then tried to put them back.... so use your imagination. Seriously, trying to fix this problem (which is probably a Blogger-wide issue) has created bigger ones for Grandma J......some involving a guy named Jack Daniels, which is serious in itself.

Fast forward to the dorm refrigerator, 2010......That's right, you can thank great grandma for JELL-O shots.
Of course there was nothing like JELL-O to help with the family budget. No stimulus or bailouts needed in the '30. Of course the Great Depression was in full swing, and that meant Grandma J's grandmother was serving up blue potatoes. You've never heard of blue potatoes? Someday Grandma J will share that story if she hasn't already.
In the 50's Jello was a favorite at Jack's birthday party......poor Jack.
Let's fast forward to the late '60s, early '70s when our nation fell into la-la land, and people walked around with flowers in their hair smoked pot, dropped acid out , and sang Kumbyah....
and women of high fashion with thin hair wore hats that looked like a JELL-O mold.
Yeah, the era had no flies on the JELL-O creative art department.......eating JELL-O could make you wish you were a whale.......
......or a psychedelic zebra........
Have you ever, in your wildest days, wanted to be a Yak?
Now, here is an ad that freaks out Grandma J....without hallucinogens! Brace yourself.....
Is it any wonder why these JELL-O for Salad packs never really became a big hit?
Now you can go make yourself some jello, or you can read the history of JELL-O at Wiki.
Now, mosey on over to Jen's blog, Unglazed and check out a plethora of J foods. And if you are still in your jammies, then you may as well stay put and join us at A to Z Mondays. I'll even help you.....tell us what you know about JuJu B's, and if Grandma J spelled that wrong then you can always mention that in your post.
If you can't see the pictures, it's because they were just little X's and Grandma J removed them, then tried to put them back.... so use your imagination. Seriously, trying to fix this problem (which is probably a Blogger-wide issue) has created bigger ones for Grandma J......some involving a guy named Jack Daniels, which is serious in itself.

Hooray for Jello shots!!!!!!
I'd like to hear about the blue pots, please.
Ah, Jello, the favorite of hospital patients!
I know! What is wrong with the pictures today. Blogger needs to get right on this : )
I bet you were the most delightful new bride ever. I should have had lessons from you because I was not delightful in the slightest!
Love it all Grandma J! Are you having Jello eggs for Easter???
I only saw the zebra after numerous jello shots.
The photos all showed up...except for the college dorm with the jello shot party. That will come later.
Jack Daniels? I know you are kidding.
I love juju b's...is there Jello in them??? :0
Harriet wants to thank you for your kind wordsn my blog!!!!!!! She would gladly let you pet her and come live with you! She is the most loving dog in the world. I am joining a new "Show & Tail" tomorrow and there will be photos of Harriet and our kitten on my blog. Hope you get a chance to visit.
Jello was a big favorite when we were growing up (except when it had vegetables in it instead of fruit). I think I need to make some for my grandkids so they can have fond Jello memories, too.
Happy Monday Grandma J
I like Jello- no chewing involved. And if I had some Jack in the house I would have swallowed that too with all my computer issues the past few days.
Yeah, this was more or less my pick for J also. You certainly raided the Jello Museum with all those archival ads and all!
I have to say I have never seen anyone put chicken drumsticks or fish in a jello mold!!! HA! Great post, Grandma J! Well done. Happy Monday to you! :D
My maternal grandmother made The Best Jello ever and the Cool Whip on the top just sent me ovr the edge. My paternal grandmother? She made those nasty gelatin salads that look like the innards of some long, lost species of fish.
Um, that yak ad? What exactly did they put in jello back in those days? Did you know that Coca Cola originally had a bit of cocaine in it? Just sayin'.
Women didn't wear hats like that did they?
Yay! It's all better in here today...now I want some 123 Jello;)
"When I'm eating Jello, I wish I were a yak."
Wonder if the advertising firm that came up with that gem is still in business?
Great post, Grandma J! Love the Jello Hat!
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