Grandma J's good friend, the Twinkie turns 80 years old today.
She read about it in her hometown paper, and thought she'd share the excitement with you.
Here's a vintage Twinkie commercial for your viewing pleasure.
Happy Birthday, old friend. So sorry the world has resorted to deep frying you.
And, filling you with red beef. What's up with that?

You know... I may have eaten an 80 year old Twinkie in my life... but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't know the difference. ;-)
At one time, my husband lived and died for Twinkies...he's now moved on to Oreo's.
This beef thing is as scary as chocolate covered Peeps
That beef filled twinkie had better be a joke...ewwwwww.
Thanks GJ, now I am craving creamy cholesterol.
That CAN'T be a "vintage" commercial! I was just watching that last, um, week...
vintage??? wait! We wont tell Little T!
Happy Birthday Mr. Twinkie! : ) Or is it a girl? Either way, I have enjoyed many of those in the past...
Oh my! Wouldn't an 80 year old Twinkie be a little stale? HA! Cute post, Grandma J! :-)
Twinkies! Could eat them like Tic Tacs if allowed to. What's not to like (except the nutritional label)?
Of course you've met Twinkie the cat, who curled up in your suitcase last summer.
He said to bring an extra pillow for him this year. Oh, and perhaps a box or three of Twinkies, but not the ones with beef because he'll be having trouble sleeping after contemplating those "cattle flavored snacks."
I'd rather have chips, please.
Me too!
Too sweet for me. But it is, sadly, and American icon isn't it.
When my husband was young, he drove a Twinkie truck and delivered to all the "quick stop" shops! Neither of us like them now!
I was fine up until the beef. gah
I like twinkies as much as I like Kale (from abc monday)....YUCK!
I do like this yummy treat:
I can't remember the last time I ate a Twinkie?
But I do know if there wasn't one of those or a Ho Ho in my brown bag for lunch when I was a kid I wasn't happy.
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