...Grandma J did
It's not that she didn't have more funner things to do. Or that she's an exhibitionist, or likes to get man-handled.....
Or that she does it just so she can wear this
She does it every year because
Now, it's your turn.
*just another PSA from Grandma J

I get mine every October! You look elegant in your robe.
Never saw you look more adorable. Some men get that done. Not me, but some.
Had mine! Preparing now for my colonoscopy - what about you?
Thanks for the reminder - I haven't been manhandled by a lab tech yet this year.
Love the robe!
I have a date with the Girl Squisher every September:) Good times:/
You inspire me : )
I have my smashogram every March. Got a good report! You look wonderful BTW!
Grandma J's friends are the best at getting their "girls" screamed..I mean screened.
Good girl, Loxandlo. I get my colon scoped every three years. No pain involved due to the loopy drugs!
And it's time for mine again!
By the way, You look SMASHING in that robe! BWAHAHAHA! ;-)
Just there on Tuesday. My boobs will return to their former size and shape by next week!
Just one more thing we HAVE to do...why does it seem that I always get a nazi for a radiologist?
Every October:) This year my "handler" was someone I went to high school with. Um, yeah, pretty uncomfortable!
Thank you for the reminder! My turn is coming up soon.
...at my place you don't get a fancy robe...you just strip right there in the mammo room and dress back up...no time wasted there!
You go to a much prettier place than I do. I suppose what's important is that I go at all.
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