....the edible edition
Brought to you this week by the letter M for Milk.
Do you remember the commercial catch phrase....Make Mine Milk?
Let's take a walk down the memory lane of Milk...in no particular order......
click on all photos to enlarge
Here's good ol' Elsie, the Borden cow. She tried her darnest to convince Rita that I'd love that powdered stuff. Then, Elsie got
So, while Borden's had Elsie pushing powdered milk or Hemo, the hired her husband Elmer to sell......
Glue! Ok, so Grandma J is getting out in left field and totally off subject.....let's get back to the milk thing.
In the thirties and forties, evaporated milk was the rave. You could store these cans in your pantry and never worry about them going bad until you opened them.
Grandma J misses Fibber McGee and Molly....and please take note that Johnny Carson was known as Jack!
Now good old Elsie was pushing a trifecta, which now included bottled milk. Homogenized or pasturized...who knew!
Then one day in the 1950s, the world was introduced to the Pure-Pak! That's right, the cardboard box milk container. The one that fifty years later would be considered un-green.
Of course the milkman latched on to the Pure-Pak container and mothers all across the country had no problem letting their toddlers open the door for this guy.
Meanwhile, our neighbors to the north, in the Canadian Rockies, had a much better take on the whole milk thing.
And where did they find kids with this demonic look for ads back in the 50's? And I thought only Rita cut her daughters' bangs into little stubs like that.
Now, a question for you.......
Have you ever seen a refrigerator/freezer like this before? Grandma J wouldn't mind having this...even if it was turquoise.
Now mosey on over to A to Z Mondays, hosted by Jen at unglazed to see a plethora of other M foods.

I forgot all about Elsie. I wonder how she is today....
Johnny carson was jack? Huh? I never underdstood the John and Jack thing.
I think I also would like that fridge, even in turqoise. But then again, I would have to get a matching stove and microwave and dishwasher....never mind.
Love those old ads...and I remember frigidairs....
I want one of those big mother of a freezer with the glass doors so some people dont stand looking to see what's to eat and letting the cold air out .. OMG .. my mother is now channeling my comments ... well part of them anyway ...
Where's the Ovaltine?
I love, love, LOVE that word plethora! And I could totally dig that fridge : )
My Aunt Nita had that exact refigerator/freezer for years, only it was pink. To match the pink oven. Brought back memories.
Postcard Cindy
Who knew there were so many kinds of milk back then? HA! Great post, Grandma J! Happy Monday to you! :-)
Man,that demonic milk kid creeps me out.
Good post? I wonder what Hemo is? Did they add hemoglobin? Ewwww...
Hope you enjoyed your Monday. You are as entertaining as ever.
I dearly LOVE all the old advertisements you use so much on A to Z Monday's, Grandma J. John was sitting here next to me eating lunch and got sucked right in to your post as well.
Too much fun. Not to mention a favorite drink in this house!
All I can say is thank goodness for Lactaid Milk, or I couldn't eat my cereal in the morning.
Great M post Grandma J!
If only the cows knew about all this fuss over their milk. It's great stuff though for those of us who can tolerate it (unfortunately, my wife cannot).
Gosh I'm old!
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