..the edible edition
Brought to you this week by the letter L
For Lollipops. These are Whirly Pops.
These were Grandma J's all time favorite Lollipop. The good ol' Tootsie Pop used to cost 2¢. Just the other day she offered to buy one for a little boy throwing a temper tantrum at 7-11....it cost 25¢
These good ol' Dum Dum Lollipops are really crappy cost $15 for a box of 300ct at Candy Warehouse. No wonder restaurants are so generous with them.
Sugar free....if you ask Grandma J, it's a worn out gimmic.
Grandma J doesn't have to tell you that Jelly Belly Lollipops come in a plethora of flavors! plethora, plethora....I love that word.
And wouldn't you just know? If they make doggie and kitty Lollipops, Grandma J will find them.
*Grandma J borrowed all these Lollipop photos from Candy Warehouse....no fooling!
Be sure and check out all the other L foods at A to Z Mondays, hosted by Jen at Unglazed. It's never to late to join in.....you don't want to Lollygag.

my favorite lollies are blow pops.
A few weeks ago I went out to dinner at miceli's in Hollywood and on the way out the host told me to take a lollypop as it was good luck. I hadn't heard that before, but I can always use some good luck.
When I was a kid my favorite lollipop was the Charms one..they made two kinds with the gum in the middle (blow pop) and the regular sucker, and that regular one, cherry flavored, was to DIE for.
Thanks for that trip down memory lane. I"m going to brush my teeth now.
Sweet memories of childhood.....I love Tootsie pops too!
Ah the memories a lollypop can bring!
plethora is one of my favorite words as well. So is lollygag.
I used to love lolly pops...chocolate flavored with the chewy center. Apparently, I ate them too much, because now, they hurt my teeth to even think about them!!!!
Love lollies;)
When I saw your post, I started thinking of the song, "Lollipop, Lollipop, whole lot of Lollipops!"
Your favorite is my favorite, too!
BTW, I've been enjoying one of those Abba-Zabba bars you sent me, a little bit at the time! Thanks!!
(had to wait until after Lent)
Plethora might just be one of my favorite words of all time... : )
Pita and AB's grandparents are Tootsie and Pop. And yes, they always have Tootsie Pops on hand:)
Hi GJ..
While working at a bank for many years in small town America,we always had lollipops for the children..
many adults were miffed if they didn't get one..
funniest thing ..
when stopping at the local grocery store after work, it was not uncommon to hear a tiny voice yelling
"hey Miss sucker lady..ya got a lollipop for me?
always brought a smile to my face!
and yes DY, Lollipop was one of my favorite songs way back when..
warmest hugs..laughing smiles..
I love those big jaw breaker lollies cause they last a long time.
I haven't had a L O double L I P O P spells lollipop is years! Used to love 'em.
Now this is a sweet "L" post! Happy Monday to you, Grandma J! :-)
I usually don't really care about lollipops, but after this post, I am suddenly wanting one!
Happy Monday Grandma J!
We always called them suckers. Lollipops were for the rich kids. ha!
Now all I can think of are watermelon dum dums...
That was fun!
Tootsie Roll pops were my favorite, for sure...but we called them all suckers, too.
I was big on the tootsie roll ones, too. I remember at least one "all day" sucker that must have been 6 inches in diameter. That was a good one.
Candy Warehouse? Somewhere there's a WAREHOUSE full of candy? Be still my heart..
Please do not let me know the address to that warehouse.
Cute pops. I like the dog and cat ones.
Now that was a plethora of lolis!! (I love that word too!) Happy A - Z Monday GmaJ.
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