Monday, April 18, 2011

Romping Through the Bluebonnets.....

sixty miles from home

After spending  most of the day Saturday driving over Dams and bridges, looking for professed sightings of bluebonnets all over the place, Grandma J, JJ and Phillip Johnny Bob finally went  to a cantina home and guzzled beer had some ice cream with fudge topping.

On Sunday, it was off again.   I mean really, just because we haven't had rain in months, and just because wildflowers need to wet their whistles, doesn't mean Central Texas can't have some bluebonnets, does it?  

With dry winds blowing at up to 40 miles per hour, and terrible wild fires off to the west and southwest, Grandma J continued her quest. 

There were plenty of bluebonnets at Old Settlers Park in Round Rock TX.  As you can imagine, there were tons of peoplethere.   Lots of kids running around, several families taking pictures, and some of them had professional photographers with them. Two young ladies were in wedding dresses. JJ couldn't wait to join the par.tay!

This is a file photo stolen from the internet because Grandma J didn't  think it would be right to take a picture of a bride for free when she was paying someone else tons of money.

Much to JJ's dismay, Grandma J moved on, and found a patch of Bluebonnets on a slope away from the crowds.   She drove her car up the hill because  it was quite a ways from the narrow park road, which is probably why no one was there.  

The wind was fierce on the hill, and JJ didn't like Phillip Johnny Bob leaning on him.  It was all he could do to hold himself upright and still.  

No matter how Grandma J positioned JJ, he kept watching  all the activity down the road.

The distraction gave Grandma J a ton of profile shots of JJ.   Not knowing how these pictures would turn, she kept switching between her phone camera and her older than dirt digital camera.   It was too bright out to see much in the viewfinder, so it was hit and miss until they got home and loaded them on the laptop.

Note to Santa, please a really decent camera  would be this lifetime!

The advantage of  going to the hill with the sparse showing of Bluebonnets, was letting JJ run loose and not having to keep him leashed. 

He loved it.....he loves running through the wildflowers.  And Grandma J was glad, and the whole world was happy.

* My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone affected by the devastating tornados in the Southeast, and the victims of all the Texas wildfires. 


I Am Woody said...

So glad that you found some bluebonnets. So beautiful!!

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

JJ looks happier than a pig in mud!

Mark said...

I just love that last picture. And to be honest, I thought that Bluebonnet was the name of margerine. I kept thinking, "why is it taking her so long to find some margerine?". m.

Unknown said...

This is the cutest thing EVER! I am going to tweet it as 'the best bluebonnet shoot around' : ) You always have the most clever ideas! Love. Love. LOVE!

Minerva said...

He looks so cute frolicking in the Bluebonnets! It's a better shot than the bride any day!

Mental P Mama said...

I love this!!! And wine may have come snorting out when I laughed at JJ. May. Have.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love those captured some great shots of JJ and PJB!!!! It was worth the drive and gas...well, it was for me anyway. :)

Jen said...

All I hear in my head after looking at that last picture is...Born Free...
So cute and you are too darn funny!

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...


Betsy Banks Adams said...

HI Grandma J, I lived in Texas for 12 yrs and every year in April, we drove to Brenham and Chapel Hill to see the Bluebonnets.. I have 3 framed pictures of those beautiful wildflowers...

Glad you found some!!!!!

Sorry about the Texas Wildfires...

Connie said...

Great pictures, Grandma J. I'm glad you finally found some bluebonnets. They are so pretty. I'd like to take a romp in them myself! :D