May I Have Your Attention, PLEASE!
OK, so I tricked you with the naked sign. Sorry, but I just wanted to get your attention for an important announcement.
Grandma J is moving. Not really earth shattering news, right? But she's like actually moving as in eating, sleeping, showering, and cleaning house at a different location. By different location, she means she's left The Compound for The Spa....and there's no turning back. Of course, she's actually leaving Thursday morning because that's when the "movers" are showing up.
I wanted to post a sign, so everyone would know that I may be MIA or AWOL for a day or two. You know, service interrupted. This is the best I could do on my budget........
Just so you know, I'll be checking your blogs on my cell phone,
so be careful what you say in my absence but even though it lets me type out a comment, it never publishes them.....ARGH!
Can't wait to hear about your new adventures at the Spa...but I will miss hearing about the Compound :)
Good luck!!
I am so excited for you Grandma J! Have fun! I know some crazy things will happen with your move (because Crazy is your middle name and you attract CRAZY wherever you go : ) Just make sure you are prepared to post when you get back to a working computer! XO!
I hope the "movers" behaved themselves.
"there's no turning back"... i hope you're not having reservations grandma j!!... take your time, movin' ain't easy!!! i wish you the best of neighbors, surroundings, and workmanship in your new abode!! here's to the spa!
Good luck with the move. Maybe Phillip Johnny Bob can help you move, he'd probably be more useful than the guy you're paying to watch you haul boxes and crates. (Sorry,but I'm a dog with a bone on that one.)
Can't wait to hear about your adventures.
Yay! Moving day!
GOOD LUCK. Can't wait for you to get settled and start with the new stories of living in the SPA!!!
We look forward to your new digs and all of the new storylines from the SPA!
don't throw your back out!!!!
I hope it goes smoothly!
Cant wait to hear all about the Spa and the adventures that await you there!
Good luck with the move! Moving can be a lot of work, but is also full of excitement and energy!
Of course, there will be ONE LAST POST about The Compound, right? For old times sake?
Good Luck, Grandma J;) Hurry back!
Here's to good neighbors, good friends and good movers! Hope all goes well for you, it's got to be so exciting!!!
In my assessment of your posts, parents need to get a backbone.
Parent 1, aka Grandma's friend who is also moving, aka the moving boy's mom. When her son decided that he wouldnt move ALL THE STUFF....but also decided he needed the money, his mom should have said, "If you really need the money, you'll move all the stuff, otherwise, go get a job, you low life son!" She really covered for him, by telling you, "he needs the money!"...especially since you are a senior citizen with a bad back. Who let's their son take advantage of a senior citizen with a bad back??? Shame on parent #1, and sorry if she reads your blog.
Parent #2, aka Mr. Noodle, AKA Coach, AKA the idiot on A-Ron's team's dad. Im trying to figure out why he was also suspended, if A-Ron and Weasel boy were in a spat....did he step in? not step in? what was his role? In any case, if my son through ANYONE's new cleats over a fence, he would be in big trouble, and if he then hit someone when confronted, the trouble would GROW. Shame on Coach for not have better control over his son, and for apparently doing something that caused his own suspension along with the kids. AND, if that wasnt a bad lesson enough, he goes and quits, in the middle of the playoffs....way to teach, yet another, winning lesson to your son! QUITTER!
Ok....parenting analysis complete. Hope you enjoy your new place :) And, good for you for raising at least one of your children correctly....kudos to Middle Daughter for helping you move.
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